S.Africa: Lockdown Rebellion simmers: Curve of madness and ulterior motives – End the lockdown say experts


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Video: Do Jews make you INSANE? The Assassination of the Jew Allard Lowenstein: Part 1
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[Here in SA there is stress of levels not seen before. I was reading a post on the community forum for the suburb I live in. One of the whites here was trying to be very decent in addressing the entire neighbourhood about the disaster caused by lockdown. Its totally buggering up the lives of whites in my suburb. But this is the only way people will learn. Learn that the BLACK COMMUNIST scum … are fcking up the country and they will destroy you too! Just because you're an english speaker and you're liberal does not mean you are ok. You are WHITE and you will be fcked up too! Even the non-white scientists say the Govt is not listening to them any more!! No surprises there… the filthy scum are up to no good, on a bigger scale than ever. Jan]

The lockdown is totally overblown compared to other illnesses – the government’s own experts say end the lockdown!

Now many of the country’s best scientists, including some who serve in the Health Minister’s advisory committee, say the lockdown serves no purpose anymore. The lockdown “cure” is now worse than the virus itself they say.

These government science advisors say the government is not listening to their advice anymore.

Prof Shabir Madhi, a vaccine expert at the University of the Witwatersrand and member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) – he is also a previous head of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICS), says the government is going to kill more people with the lockdown and its consequences than COVID-19 will kill.
Madhi also says a lockdown can never be a magic bullet because the spread of the Chinese CCP virus cant be stopped at all. Even the government said that the only thing that a lockdown can do is ” flatten the curve of the spread of the virus”.

Prof Madhi says the same amount of people will get the virus over the next year or two. What the government is now doing is just slowing the spread somewhat but this can never be kept up. It is therefore also a logical conclusion that a lockdown wont save any lives either. If the same amount of infections will occur, there will also be the same percentage of people who will die of COVID-19. A lockdown just slows the infection rate, and accompanying deaths, down initially.

A recent study by Pandemic Data and Analytics (PANDA), a panel of experts, also concluded that 29 times more people will die as a direct result of the economic meltdown brought about by the harsh lockdown than COVID-19 will kill.
Dr Glenda Gray, chairman of the South African Medical Research Council and also a MAC member, has written a column in the liberal ANC mouthpiece News24 in which she calls the government’s lockdown measures unscientific and insane. She writes that the Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital in Soweto is seeing child malnutrition for the first time in decades.

Another MAC member, Professor Marc Mendelson, head of Communicable Diseases and AIDS medicine at Groote Schuur hospital, also says the lockdown measures and phasing out table is not led by science. Professor Mendelson also says that the spread of this CCP virus is absolutely inevitable and that up to 60% of the population will contract the CCP virus over the next two years.

Professor Salim Abdool Karim, head COVID-19 advisor to the government, told Rapport newspaper’s Hanlie Retief 4 weeks ago already that South Africa has achieved all that is possible from the lockdown and he does not know what more can be achieved by it.

Professor Madhi also told Rapport that the lockdown is impacting South Africa’s other health challenges like TB. So far during the lockdown there is a 50% decrease in TB tests according to Professor Madhi. This means that people with TB will be diagnosed late which will impact the chances a patient has to recuperate. TB claimed the lives of 63000 people in 2018, compared to the less than 300 people who died from COVID-19 so far in South Africa and double the amount of people who died from COVID-19 in Italy.

Dr Ian Sanne, AIDS research head at WITS university, says that about half of the normal amount of people are missing AIDS related appointments and he expects the same for other illnesses such as diabetes and TB. People with these underlying conditions are at bigger risk when contracting COVID-19.

The Western Cape government says that 94% of the people who died from COVID-19 had underlying health conditions like diabetes and TB.

PANDA has written to President Ramaphosa, now widely regarded as Puppet Ramaphosa because the Zuma faction seems to be in firm control and pulling his strings, asking for an urgent meeting to explain how the harsh lockdown will shorten the life expectancy of millions of South Africans.

Dr Glenda Gray has also stated what we all know – that many of the lockdown regulations are a thumb suck. For instance that we can only exercise between 06:00-09:00, cant buy cigarettes, can buy cold pies but not hot ones, can buy shoes but not with open toes etc.

Professor Mendelson says the lockdown should be lowered to level 1 immediately.

Professor Landon Myer, an epidemiologist of the University of Cape Town, has also told Rapport that the lockdown has served its purpose and should be lifted.


Now that the experts have spoken we should carefully analyze the situation and see what is going on.
The facts are clear that this is the most overblown illness in the history of the world.

Yes it is an additional illness which kills a small percentage of the people that it infects. This was brought about by China’s actions because they initially kept the outbreak of the new pandemic a secret, causing a worldwide spread. This is why we should call it the CCP virus. But this is certainly not the most serious disease in the world today and we dont close the economy because of any other sickness like malaria and TB. We also dont close roads because of motor vehicle accidents. Do we? The ANC knows all this because their own asvisors told them.

So what are the real reasons for the harsh lockdown which has closed most businesses?

Just think how many emergency tenders are now issued under the COVID-19 excuse. The other reason would be to commit economic murder on the white minority by closing the businesses of whites indefinitely and then refuse them any form of State assistance. They want to drive whites especially into poverty and famine and make us beggars.

An extended lockdown also prevents court processes like the cigarettes of enquiry where many ANC cadres are implicated.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/curve-of-madness-and-ulterior-motives-end-the-lockdown-say-experts/

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