S.Africa: IMPORTANT: Floyd Shivambu and Mzwanele Manyi to be onboarded – MK Party – My Comments


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Kenya: Witchcraft: The devil told me to have sex with sheep
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uMkhonto Wesizwe Party confirms that Cde. Mzwanele Manyi and Cde. Floyd Shivambu have joined the Party. The uMkhonto Wesizwe Party welcomes the decision by these astute and well experienced leaders as it could not have come at a better time. The onboarding of both these progressive and politically experienced comrades will further strengthen the agenda of the Progressive Caucus.

Cde. Manyi and Cde. Shivambu will be deployed respectively according to their strengths and expertise. As leadership, we ask that all members of uMkhonto Wesizwe Party welcome these two progressive comrades as they begin to form part of driving the agenda of the revolution.

We wish them well as they pick up the spear and continue the fight for the emancipation of the downtrodden and marginalised people in our country.

Statement issued by MK Party, 15 August 2024

Source: https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/floyd-shivambu-and-mzwanele-manyi-to-be-onboarded-?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=1ba0d22d70-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_08_15_09_47&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-1ba0d22d70-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

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Video: 2nd Anglo-Boer War: The British Atrocities against the Boers
The 2nd Anglo Boer war is probably the only war where WHITE CHILDREN were the main victims by far! In this video we take a look at the dirty war that the British Army engaged in, in order to crush a tiny army of Dutch-German Farmers (the Boers) here in Africa. We look at photographs and information from that time. We also look at the role of the British Rothschilds and Jews in this war.

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