S.Africa: Crime: Home invasion: White woman (76) beaten badly by Blacks


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Nobody is safe against attacks from “our people” anymore, not even in a security complex for our retired senior citizens. A 76 year old woman, Maria Jacobs, who stays alone, was assaulted and robbed in a safety complex for retirees on Wednesday night 13 January 2021, around 01:00.

The incident happened in the Welgedacht retirement complex in the Bloemfontein suburb of Fleurdal. Mrs Jacobs only woke up when the attackers, black males, stood next to her bed. They gained entry to the complex by climbing on a branch of a tree that goes over the fence and then broke one of Mrs Jacobs’s windows.

The attackers repeatedly beat Mrs Jacobs in the face with fists and also sat with their knees on the frail woman’s ribs whilst they demanded money.

The attackers left with a laptop, a cell phone and R1000 in cash. Mrs Jacobs then pressed a panic button.

#BlackWar continues. Children will have to realise that the improvement of the safety of their parents rests primarily with them because who else will take responsibility? We can not live in denial of the fact that our parents, grandfathers and grandmothers are regarded as soft targets by ” our people”.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/free-state/home-invasion-in-retirement-complex-woman-76-seriously-assaulted-bloemfontein/

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