S.Africa: Crime: Home invader attacks, rapes woman (62), then falls asleep, Odendaalsrus
2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
Blacks in Africa hate talking about AIDS and they hide it. This was a good news report I managed to find years ago. Nowadays, you don‘t see anything like this being published.
[This might be a Black on Black thing. I don’t see
indications that the victim was White. Jan]
The elderly woman was asleep in her home when her house was broken into and raped. The suspect was arrested after he fell asleep.
On the 25 December 2021 at about 22:15 the complainant who is a 62-year-old woman was asleep in her bedroom when she was awoken by a knock on her door.
The next moment she was awoken by a male voice that instructed her to undress, she was assaulted, strangled and raped.
After the rape ordeal the attacker fell asleep. The victim managed to escape through the open window to seek help from her neighbours.
Odendaalsrus SAPS members were informed about the incident and responded instantly and found the suspect still asleep.
A 35-year-old man was awoken by the police who arrested him for house breaking with the intention to rape and rape.
The suspect will appear on the 28 December 2021 in Odendaalsrus Magistrate Court.
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