S.Africa: Anti-White Jewish Traitor Professor Ben Turok – Careeer Summary and Overview


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[Ben Turok was a "White" Communist Jewish professor of economics. He later even got into Government under the prime enemy of the Whites, the ANC Government. Below is a basic summary of key dates in his life, along with his educational achievements and things he wrote. This was one of many Jews who knifed the White South Africans in their backs. He was one of many traitors to Whites and like all of them, he got off too easily. Jan]



1954 – 1966 Full time official Congress Movement

1966 – 1969 Chief Surveyor and Town Planner: (Head of Region) – Tanzania

1969 – 1971 Editor of Sechaba, Official Journal of ANC, London

1972 -1986 Senior Lecturer, The Open University, United Kingdom (with a secondment for two years as senior lecturer to the University of Zambia-1979-1981)

1986 – 1994 Director of Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA)

1994 – present Visiting Professor: University KwazuluNatal

1994 Head, Commission of Reconstruction and Development Programme: Gauteng Government, Member of Provincial Cabinet and Legislature.

1995 – present Member of National Assembly, Parliament.
Member of Finance Portfolio Committee and Trade Industry Committee

2000 – present Chair, Board of Directors, New Agenda, South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy and Institute of African Alternatives (IFAA)

2001- present Chair, Board of Directors, Muizenberg Millennium Education Trust

2002 – 4: Representative of NEPAD Steering Committee at numerous meetings of African Parliamentarians

2003 – 4: Member Experts Advisory Panel for UNDP Human Development Report

2003 – present Chair, Vrygrond Development Project Board

2003- present Chair, NEPAD Contact Group of African Parliamentarians

2004: Chair, Steering Committee, Conference hosted by UNDP, HSRC, DBSA, “Overcoming Underdevelopment in SA’s Dual Economy”

2004 – present Member, Bureau Council of Europe, North-South Centre

Has been involved with organisations such as United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in research and policy on Africa’s development over many years. Has delivered lectures at many universities in Africa, Europe and USA.


1955: Full Time organiser Western Cape Action Council Congress of the People

1955: Presenter of the Economic Clause of the Freedom Charter at the Congress of the People.

1956: Arrested in the Treason Trial with 155 others

1956 Elected unopposed as African Representative for five years, Cape Provincial Council

1957: National Secretary Congress of Democrats

1958: Secretary of the Secretariat, National Joint Executive Committee of the Congress Alliance, and COD representative.

1960: Underground in Johannesburg during the state of emergency

1961: Foundation Member of Umkhonto we Sizwe

1962: Arrested for sabotage and sentenced to three years in Pretoria Central Prison

1963: Co-accused in the Rivonia Trial

1966: Escaped into exile

1966: Intelligence Officer for Umkhonto we Sizwe – Dar es Salaam

1969: Full time editor of Sechaba, in London office of the ANC

1970: Member of the Executive, ANC, UK

1990: Return to South Africa

1992: Elected member of Provincial Executive Committee ANC Gauteng

1994 Elected to Provincial Legislature, Gauteng and appointed Head, RDP Commission and member of Provincial Cabinet

1995: Moved to National Assembly. Member of Portfolio Committees on Finance and Trade and Industry

1997: Elected Chairperson of False Bay Branch, ANC
2003: Member, Working Group on the African Union, National Assembly

2003: ANC Whip, National Assembly

2004: Re-elected as MP National Assembly for Third Term


1951 B.Sc. Eng (Land Surveying) University of Cape Town

1952 Government certification as Land Surveyor and Member of Institute of Land Surveyors

1966 BA – History of Philosophy and English Literature, University of South Africa

1970 MA – Political Science (by thesis): University of Dar es Salaam


  1. 1974 Strategic Problems of South Africa’s Liberation Struggle, LSM Press, USA

  2. 1976 South Africa – Inequality as State Policy, Open University Press

  3. 1977 The Reality of Independence, Open University Press

  4. 1979 (ed) Revolutionary Thought in the Twentieth Century, Zed books, UK

  5. 1980 (ed) Development in Zambia, Zed books, UK

  6. 1981 Legitimation in Post-Colonial Zambia, Open University Press

  7. 1983 (co-ed) States and Societies, Open University Press, UK

  8. 1987 (ed) Africa’s Crisis. Institute for African Alternatives.

  9. 1987 Africa: What can be done?, Zed books, UK

  10. 1988 (ed) Oliver Tambo Speaks, Heinemann Press, UK

  11. 1989 (ed) Witness from the Frontline. Institute for African Alternatives

  12. 1990 Mixed Economy in Focus – Zambia, Mission Press, Zambia

  13. 1991 (ed) Alternative Development Strategies for Africa Vol l : Coalition for Change Vol 3 : Debt and Democracy, Institute for African Alternatives

  14. 1993 Development and Reconstruction in South Africa, Institute for African Alternatives

  15. 1994 (Joint author) Democracy and Development in South Africa, Institute for African Alternatives.

  16. 1997 Author of Report on “Collusion by SA Banks”, Committee on Trade and Industry, S A Parliament

17 1997 Author of Report on Tariff Reform and Industrial Policy, Committee on Trade and Industry, S A Parliament

18 1998 Author of Report of Task Group on SA Reserve Bank, Committee on Finance, S A Parliament

19 1998 Convenor of Report on Tariff Reform and Supply Side Measures, Committee on Trade and Industry, S A Parliament

20 1998 Beyond the Miracle, University of Western Cape

21 2000 Chair Institute for African Alternatives and New Agenda – South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy

22 2003 Nothing but the Truth, Behind the ANC Struggle Politics, Jonathan Ball

23 2002-4 Various papers presented at Conferences in Europe convened by Association of European Parliamentarians (AWEPA) and by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

24 Various papers on NEPAD, North-South Relations, Parliament, Dual Economy, Black Capitalism, Underdevelopment.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20070611235254/http://www.benturok.co.za/

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