Russian invasion of Ukraine 5 days: A Quick Summary – Also the JEWS


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Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.

It appears in general that the Russian moves have not gone well. It turns out that Putin used these exact same moves in Syria, Crimea and Georgia. And he got quick results. This time his bluff was called and it did not work.

The Ukranians do seem to lie on occasion. But on the whole, there seems quite a lot of credible evidence that they are hurting the Russians. The Russians have also done some weird things that nobody can explain.

The Battle of Kyiv, if it goes ahead, could be very very bloody. It seems both sides are not too keen on it, but Russia could be good to go. It seems Belarus is going to come in on Russia’s side to help. The sanctions had an amazingly fast effect, causing serious problems in Russia.

Forget the notion of nuclear war.

The President of Ukraine is a Jewish actor and comedian and actually a typical Jewish asshole.

It does bother me that the USA had important Jews – Blinken and Nuland at work. Ukraine is ruled by a Jew and Putin has Jews around. Though Putin seems to be under less Jewish influence.

So I have wondered if Jews are responsible for all the massive drama. Is Ukraine the new COVID?

My main military interest is in Kiev.

All the Generals I’ve watched have said that this is going BADLY for Russia. And I agree.

But Russia can crush Ukraine if it really wants to.

I would like to see Putin with egg on his face.

I hope we are not watching a total Jewish soap opera.

The talks seem to suggest that things are winding down.

So generally I’m losing interest in this. I’m mainly watching to see if there is any action in Kyiv.

On the whole therefore, this has a much better outcome 5 days later, than I expected.

But if this is a Jewish clown show, I will lose interest.

It disgusts me that JEWS rule Whites. Like in Ukraine. Very disgusting. Very.

Whites should insist on being ruled ONLY by other Whites. Seriously.

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Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.

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