Roman America: Americans are returning to feudalism (and it’s a f*cking shame) – My Email to the writer


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[A Southerner sent out this message to his list. I wrote him a short reply. See it at the bottom. Jan]

He wrote:


p dir=”ltr”>Colonialism is actually an extension of the Western European model for civilization, feudalism, in which a wealthy upper crust of society owns everything, and the mass of people are enserfed to the land owners, forced by economic necessity to live as an exploited asset for their feudal lords and masters. Feudalism has its origins in tribal warfare, where conquering tribes (often barbarians who weren’t agrarians), would occupy the lands of the conquered tribe and force them to exist as slaves, collecting rent or tribute or taxes (the modern term for it) form the conquered peasantry.


p dir=”ltr”>Colonialism simply took that model and planted it in new lands, replacing whatever social model existed there before, enslaving the people or, enserfing them, which is essentially the same thing. The United States of America was created to throw off the colonial/feudal yoke. In a violent insurrection, a new nation was formed, based on the concepts of natural rights and government as a "social contract," in which the State exists only by the consent (even if only implied) of the governed,


p dir=”ltr”>And that was a huge departure from the past. It broke the bonds that held generations of Europeans in slavery to their feudal masters, surviving only to further enrich the already obscenely wealthy.


p dir=”ltr”>It fascinates me to watch today’s Americans, whose recent ancestors broke that feudal mold, returning to their feudal past.


p dir=”ltr”>The United States is becoming a modern fiefdom, in which the mass of the people, trained to be obedient to authority, exist to serve a handful of powerful feudal lords, who own everything, and control everything. The electoral process is a total sham; giving the illusion of change, when it is apparent that nothing of any real consequence ever changes.


p dir=”ltr”>You’ll never get a better chance to view, close up and personal, an historical shift of this magnitude. It’s more than the collapse of a global military empire; it’s the reversal of one of history’s greatest social shifts. It’s a failure of a great, and I believe noble, social model.


p dir=”ltr”>Pay close attention and, above all, enjoy the show. 2023 has been an amazing year; and we are witnessing some of the most exciting events in the history of mankind.


p dir=”ltr”>Americans, given all the evidence of their huge loss of liberty, are easily distracted by the childish political stunts in Congress that bear absolutely no resemblance to "government". Led by the rings in their noses. Like a hog to slaughter; and the rich are gutting America, just like that hog.


p dir=”ltr”>And you know why? Because most Americans desire it that way. They give up freedom after freedom, willingly, almost eagerly … in exchange for protection, security, SSRIs, and social media distractions. They desire serfdom.


p dir=”ltr”>And serfs is what they will be.


p dir=”ltr”>By choice.


p dir=”ltr”>Yes, that’s what I believe.


p dir=”ltr”>Charles


p dir=”ltr”>

I wrote this to him:

Hi Charles,

You misunderstand human society. It can go through cycles.

America was built on the Roman Republic. What they never tell you about Rome is that Roman society was the most militarised European society in all of history.

Romans often went in the wrong direction and had to reinvent themselves. They even had civil wars in order to fix things.

America may need wars to fix itself. The idea of eternal peace is nonsense.

And you are not mentioning the RACE problem. That is a MASSIVE complexity.



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You will remember that in April 2024, before I climbed on a plane to fly to the USA and Canada, that the US Government suddenly cancelled my VISA and I was prevented from climbing on a plane.

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