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Video: Re-Release: Rhodesia: I was there - Alex Linder Interviewed Jan
Life in Africa during a Rebellion against Britain! Alex interviews Jan about his life growing up in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush war which took place after Prime Minister Ian Smith declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) from Britain in 1965.

[It's time to get your mind away from the Jewish lies and nonsense about WW2. So take a look at this Hitler Test compiled by Diane King. Jan]

If you refer to national socialism/Germany as Nazi, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you refer to Adolf Hitler as an evil man, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you refer to FDR, Churchill and/or Stalin as the heroes of world war II, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you refer to world war II as "the good war", you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe Hitler planned to conquer and dominate the world, you failed THE HITLER TEST. (Stalin/communism had that as its goal.)

If you believe that Hitler was wrong to preemptively strike/attack Russia when he did, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you read and believe (unverified) JEWISH SOURCES about AH, etc, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that Hitler despised third-world individuals, you have failed THE HITLER test.

If you believed that Hitler intended to murder jews, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

if you believe that 6 million Jews died in world war II, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe the Hollywood version of the Holocaust as displayed and numerous Spielberg and other atrocious movie productions are true, you not only have failed THE HITLER TEST, you need to retake any history lessons and courses you’ve ever had.

If you believe that Hitler’s restraint of attacking Britain at Dunkirk was short-sightedness or from weakness, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that Hitler was financed by the Jews, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you feel that Hitler was a Jew or a Zionist, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that Hitler was involved in the occult, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that there was a state-ordered program to murder (6) million of Jews, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe the final solution discussed at the Wannsee Conference referred to the destruction and not emigration (to Madagascar or Palestine) of the Jews in the Reich, then you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that the SS was an evil organization, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that the Einsatzgruppen murdered a million Jews in the occupied regions of Poland and the Soviet Union, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you don’t believe that the Einsatzgruppen was created to clear out and protect the Wehrmacht before they entered into hostile territories, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you deny that Hitler did anything good for his people/nation, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you deny that Hitler performed an economic miracle during his term in office, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe there were homicidal gas chambers, you have failed the HITLER TEST.

If you believe the German concentration camps were death camps, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe there were ANY death camps ANYWHERE in the Reich, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe Auschwitz was a death camp instead of a work camp, you have failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe Hitler was unfair or harsh to the jews without cause, you failed THE HITLER TEST. (Jews were considered a direct threat to national security in that Jews were overwhelmingly represented in Communist subversion, but not just the jews.)

If you fail to understand that THE JEWS declared war on Germany TWICE, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that Germany bombed England first, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe the testimony at Nuremberg was true, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe the jews are still God’s ‘chosen’ people, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe Zyklon B was anything other than BUG (lice) spray, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe the Germans would use Zyklon B to exterminate people, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe bodies can be burned in pits, you have failed THE HITLER TEST. (It is impossible for human bodies to be totally consumed by flames in this manner because of lack of oxygen.)

If you believe the National Socialists were able to cremate bodies in 10 minutes, you failed THE HITLER TEST. (About an hour and a half, although the larger bones require further processing afterwards.)

If you believe Hitler was opposed to Christianity, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe that the Diary of Anne Frank was an authoritative historical work, you failed THE HITLER TEST. The fact that THAT ‘diary’ means ANYTHING of significance means you also failed THE HITLER TEST.

If you believe such films as SCHINDLER’S LIST and THE WINDS OF WAR or the scores of other Hollyweird productions are true, you failed THE HITLER TEST.

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Video: WRH002: 2,200 Years ago: How Red Haired Whites (Celts) discovered New Zealand
This is the story of the whites who did not go to Europe. This is the branch of Whites who went to Persia (modern day Iran) and India. What happened to some of these whites? This is the bizarre story of how they got to South America; Easter Island and finally, New Zealand.

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