Reader writes: The Massive Jewish infiltration of the USA – My Comments
White Shop: White Power Fist Patch
This embroidered patch is 3 inches in diameter.
One of my readers wrote this to me:
The Jew has done a masterful job of implementing the Kalergi plan and the protocols of the Elders of Zion haven’t they? Literally every institution has been infiltrated, altered, upside down, and backwards.
I replied as follows:
That’s what happens when you leave the enemy to exist in your country. Then they do that.
He went on to write about Hitler and what might have happened if Hitler had been left alone.
I replied:
I agree with all of what you say. There is no question the rest of the White race would have followed Hitler. I have read that when Hitler took certain actions against Jews that other European countries began to take some action too. Hitler was unquestionably an influence on our race. That is why he had to be DESTROYED.
Blacks bring Cannibalism and Witchcraft to Britain
Here‘s a story from Britain. This is how the Whites are being enriched by Blacks from Africa.