Reader Comments: Jews and Psychological Warfare against Whites
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[This is a comment one of my supporters made about the video: 911: The impossible Cell Phone calls & other Jewish lies & crimes
div>I agree, these people play psychological warfare games to an unbelievable degree. When you're dealing with Jews, its often really a battle of the mind and wills, to a greater degree than you think possible. Jan]
The reader wrote:
Amazing video Jan, the Jewish rabbi hole is an endless pit of lies. These people have mastered psychology and psychological warfare. White People are clueless about this. Most think the jew are our friends, when they hate us and want us dead
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Video: SA Race War: 1st Battle Between Blacks & Whites Part 1
Alex and I discuss a battle in Pretoria where a mob of white men and women fought blacks. A few people were injured, some seriously.
Video: SA Race War: 1st Battle Between Blacks & Whites Part 1
Alex and I discuss a battle in Pretoria where a mob of white men and women fought blacks. A few people were injured, some seriously.