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[This is a note I sent to some folks when I was pondering the mystery of why the Eastern Roman Empire survived so long. Why did the Whites in the West just collapse and break apart, yet the Eastern Roman Empire survived and not only did it survive, but it did quite well until Islam took over. I was just pondering all this. Jan]
I wrote:
The deeper issue that makes me think, is that the Eastern Roman Empire became Byzantium and it lasted for 1,000 years longer and it was Christian. So clearly there was something there that was different to the Whites of Europe. Also, when Christianity was created, when the Roman Emperor Constantine created it, MOST of the Bishops who were there and were involved in the creation of Christianity came from the Middle East. I have even read that Constantine himself remained a Pagan to the end. There are quite a few weird things about our understanding of the creation of Christianity by Constantine. Christians themselves try to make all sorts of other claims. e.g. Christianity was popular. To me it is as if, Christianity is a Middle Eastern Creation which really did not work for White Europeans. In order to get White Europeans to eventually believe in it they needed to bring European PAGAN IDEAS into it. e.g. "Christmas" – the "Birth of Jesus" – but in reality just another way of celebrating Pagan Mid Winter Solstice. The Middle East and North Africa are an interesting area. In ancient times, there were a lot more WHITES THERE. The Hittites for example, were proper Whites who ruled much of what is now the Northern Middle East. There are lots of remains of their lovely civilisation. But Whites also created Ancient Egypt which slowly became non-White over time. Ancient Egypt was later even ruled by Ancient Greeks and Romans and believe it or not APARTHEID existed when Greeks and Romans ran it. Christianity seems to have been very NATURAL for the people of the Middle East, but the people of the Middle East were not pure White. However, lots of Whites did live in the Middle East at various times and Whites retained a LOT of control over the region, perhaps even until Islam arrived. Christianity had to be modified until it was acceptable in the West to Whites – which meant it needed a certain amount of Paganism in it, in order for Whites to transition to it. Christianity is NOT natural to Whites. But it is natural for the mish mash of peoples that are Middle Eastern. Whites have controlled non-Whites for amazingly long periods of time in the past even when Whites weren’t the majority. But there were times when Whites were the majority in the Middle East and North Africa. Nowadays, you can see the genetic remains of White DNA in the people’s of the Middle East and North Africa. Humans interbreed and you get lots of "transitional humans" who are basically variations on the coloured theme. To me it is as if Byzantium was perhaps mostly ruled by WHITES. Justinian for example was probably 95% White. His ethnicity was mostly Balkan. Contemporary images of him show him to have a White face and dark hair. I suspect that Byzantium had a lot of whites in it. I see that at the time of Justinian, that there were Greeks, Romans and Italians in the Middle East along with Syrians, Jews, Copts and Egyptians. I am guessing but I think a White elite probably ruled most of the region for a time, just like Ancient Egypt as it slowly went down and then non-Whites and even Blacks began to rise. I’m still just thinking and pondering. But the bottom line is that the Middle East, the mess which it became, is a mixture of European and others. It’s proof of what finally comes out of a European/Near Asiatic/North African mix of peoples. For me, this speaks of MULTICULTURALISM and what happens to it over a long period of time.
The Incredible Hero: David Irving - Truth Telling Historian
I have tremendous respect for David Irving. This British man did the most incredible work doing research and telling the truth about Hitler, the NAZIS and Germany. He‘s very old now. Download everything you can from his website and if possible buy his books and support him. This is the most incredible man to come out of Britain in modern times.