Putin: The West is evil for Colonialism – Dumb Whites fighting each other in Africa: America should get the F*CK out of AFRICA FFS!


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Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.

[This is from an email exchange between myself and Alfred Schaefer on the topic of Putin. When it comes to Black People, White Americans are the biggest idiots and weaklings of the lot. Even the weak BRITISH are much stronger than the totally insane, pathetic Americans. And the Europeans are the ones who handled Africa the best. Truly America can LEARN FROM EUROPE! But I told Alfred, that America, even now, should just get the living F*CK out of Africa, because America has buggered up EVERYTHING for Whites here.  Africa, anyway, is really Europe's zone of influence for many many reasons. Jan]

I wrote:

When I hauled out my old AfricanCrisis archives earlier this year (110,000 articles) and I looked at stuff that was up to 20 years old that I’d not looked at in a decade, I actually found that I had photos of Putin’s visit to South Africa in 2006.

The Russians now might be more "nationalist" than they were as the Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Union, but they, like the British and the Americans, are proud of the times they killed for the Jews. All Whites make this mistake. White South Africans went to kill Germans and Italians in WW2. South Africa played a big role in destroying the Italians in the horn of Africa. And now … decades later … what a dumbass f*cking thing to have done hey? Talk about shooting yourself up your own ass! I had an uncle (the only one in our family who fought in WW2 – the rest of my family all did not get involved in WW2). The Whites also attacked German South West Africa at the behest of the British and fought the Germans and seized their colony. Now, the majority of Boere-Afrikaners wish that Germany was still here! Well … helloooooo … we destroyed German power in a neighbouring state! How’s that working out for us? The South Africans in WW1, destroyed German East Africa – AT THE BEHEST OF THE BRITISH. In WW2, they destroyed the Italians in the horn of Africa and even fought against Rommel as part of the British 8th Army. And now we wonder why the hell there are no other Whites around and we’re ALONE DUH!

However, when the Whites in Africa (South Africans and Rhodesians) finally did the right thing and broke away from British Rule in the 1960s – that was a huge step forward. We then teamed up with, in order of importance: France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, West Germany, Belgium – and finally we began to have a strategy of Whites working together. Japan was also a big friend of ours. So when we worked with those countries instead of the idiotic British things went much better. Like you Germans in WW2, we NEARLY WON! We came close. The stupid assholes who sank us were the Americans with the Jew Kissinger leading the charge. But our PRIME ENEMY, the threat to our physical existence in those decades was Russia.

The White South Africans, as few as they are, are the only Whites, since WW2, to actually fight a Russian-created, Russian controlled modern army in Angola. And I have heard it said that Putin himself, as a KGB agent, was even in Angola. There is a whole Russian website that exists to this day, (I can find it and send you the links), that is dedicated to Russian Veterans who fought in Angola. The Russians are very proud of fighting the White South Africans.

When Putin was in South Africa in 2006, he showed no interest in the Whites here. I have photos. He met only with the Blacks, AND, he made a special request to meet in private with the JEW OPPENHEIMER (who literally owns the South African economy and is the local British Rothschild representative).

So Putin may have some good points, but Putin is PROUD of "fighting Apartheid" and "fighting Colonialism" and he is proud, in Ukraine of "fighting NAZIS" and his people are afraid of mentioning the holocaust. Putin even phoned, in recent months the Prime Minister of Israel to apologise about the holocaust issue. Putin has tons of Black friends in Africa.

The whole thing is a mess. At the heart of it all though, is an anti-European mess. Russia went out of it’s way to DESTROY British and European power in AFRICA. And America, (David Irving has mentioned this), Roosevelt basically told the British that America doesn’t support the British Empire. Between America, Russia and China, EUROPEAN POWER and European Empires were DESTROYED. We are the last remnant of European power in Africa.

I think the only sensible thing we in Africa did was in the 1960s when Portugal, South Africa and Rhodesia began working together. And the unity between us and the French and the Europeans was good. A lot of good stuff came out of it. South Africa played a huge role in helping the Portuguese and Rhodesians to survive. We had a very good relationship. It was the one time Whites really stood by each other. The French, I must tell you are pretty awesome even now, in Africa. France is the only country that actually does some sensible stuff.

AMERICA is so PATHETIC and DISGUSTING in Africa I must tell you. America is weak, pathetic, and utterly idiotic. I think the US Government and the US Military even, ARE AFRAID OF FUNCTIONING IN AFRICA. I’ve studied this a lot. Even the British, even the weak British HAD MORE BALLS AND GUTS IN AFRICA than Americans. American moves in Africa were a disaster. I think the USA is doing insane things that will not benefit the USA and it’s because JEWS JEWS JEWS are crawling at the highest levels.

One day I must do a video about how the Whites in southern Africa worked together. Something I discovered only recently AND WHICH IS TOTALLY UNKNOWN AND NEVER MENTIONED IN ANY BOOK AT ALL – is that Portugal, South Africa and Rhodesia had a secret military alliance. Even we who lived here did not know that our governments were secretly working together militarily. There was total trust among the Whites. For example, the Portuguese allowed Rhodesia to send troops or aircraft anywhere into Portuguese territory without even asking permission. Rhodesia was allowed to go ANYWHERE in Portuguese territory and attack and kill anyone we wanted and the Portuguese were good with that. We could tell them afterwards: We went there and killed these people for this reason. And the Portuguese were quite happy with that.

We Whites in Africa would have survived if the JEW KISSINGER did not come here. Our interactions with America WERE A TOTAL DISASTER. Until America got involved, we were doing fine.

My current position, to put it frankly, is that America must just get THE FCK OUT OF AFRICA. America – Just FCK THE FCK OUT OF AFRICA. ALL European Nations who were involved in Africa did something far better and that includes the weak British. When it comes to Black people, America is a big fck up. White America can’t handle Black people and knows nothing about Blacks and is as weak as shit.

The Russians though armed Blacks on a MASSIVE SCALE. The Russians came to kill us and invade us. They brought shiploads of HEAVY WEAPONRY – tanks, artillery, jets, etc. The Russians came to KILL US. And it’s not a joke. We fought for our lives.

That’s why I’m not a fan of the Russians.

Putin shows that Russia was against EUROPEAN EMPIRES and EUROPEAN COLONIALISM.

If you look at Hitler’s original 20 points from 1920, you’ll see that Hitler DEMANDED COLONIES OUTSIDE EUROPE FOR THE EXPANDING GERMAN POPULATION!!!!

Hitler was totally sane and correct. Europe can and should expand and there are very important reasons for it. Europe suffers from a serious strategic problem to do with natural resources. It is at a huge disadvantage compared to Russia and America.

America should just get the fck away from Africa. Nobody has fcked up things in Africa like America. Seriously. Africa should remain in the zone of influence of EUROPE – PERIOD.

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