Pure INSANITY: Minneapolis to Pay Black Lives Matter Rioters $600,000 in ‘Compensation’


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[This kind of garbage just makes me want to puke. They are doing something similar to this in California! In the Jewish Communist state of California! Eventually Whites will go crazy as this Jewish crap continues. Jan]

The Democrat-controlled city of Minneapolis, Minnesota is paying out $600,000 in taxpayer money as “compensation” for 12 Black Lives Matter rioters who sustained injuries during the riots and looting in 2020.

On Wednesday, a federal court approved Minneapolis’s agreement to pay the rioters.

The agreement settled a lawsuit that was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (ACLU-MN) on behalf of the “protesters.”

According to a Wednesday ACLU-MN press release, the agreement also bars Minneapolis from arresting or using physical force, including chemical agents, against people demonstrating legally.

The Minnesota U.S. District Court’s Wednesday injunction concludes the lawsuit.

Following the ruling, body-camera recordings are now mandatory for Minneapolis officers deployed to protests.

The order also places limits on police officers’ use of chemical agents for peaceful protest dispersion.

“Tear gas, foam bullets, and pepper spray became weapons for intimidating and hurting protesters, making it dangerous for people to exercise their First Amendment rights,” ACLU-MN Legal Director Teresa Nelson said.

“We hope this settlement sends a message to law enforcement across Minnesota that this violation of our constitutional rights will not be tolerated.”

The $600,000 settlement payment will be divided among the 12 “George Floyd protesters,” the press release said.

The plaintiffs claimed to have been tear-gassed and shot with rubber bullets and foam during the riots and allegedly suffered bruises and lingering respiratory problems.

Minneapolis City Attorney Kristyn Anderson released a statement on Wednesday regarding the ruling.

“The City Council approved a $600,000 settlement on Oct. 20, and Mayor Frey signed the Council action Oct. 26,” the statement read.

“The City Attorney’s Office executed and filed documents necessary to effectuate the settlement, and an order reflecting portions of that settlement were made public today.”

Source: https://slaynews.com/news/minneapolis-pay-black-lives-matter-rioters-600000-compensation/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter

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