Punk Christopher Jon Bjerknes’s rudeness to Dennis Wise … Jordan Peterson’s Jewish nonsense


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2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
Blacks in Africa hate talking about AIDS and they hide it. This was a good news report I managed to find years ago. Nowadays, you don‘t see anything like this being published.

[This is a comment from a reader about Bjerknes. It sounds as if poor Dennis Wise was setup. There's no need to be rude to him. He's pulled off one of the greatest feats of our movement along with Evalion. I think Dennis Wise in the UK and Evalion in Canada, have both achieved super-stardom in the white right, and they should always be remembered for the massive work they've done. Dennis Wise's videos have even spread among Boers in South Africa. As for the Canadian Jordan Peterson. I can't stand him for many reasons. Some of my close friends think he's really a Jew. I cannot stand his hatred of Germans. It annoys the hell out of me. I agree with the reader's comment below. Jan]

The reader wrote:

Brilliant. I don’t like both Jordan Peterson and CJB. CJB is a hateful little man who tells lies about Hitler. I definitely won’t forgive him for his rudeness towards Dennis Wise in the debate "moderated" by Adam Green. Jordan Peterson spews psycho babble.

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