PROFESSOR TERRORIST USA: Left-wing former criminal justice professor accused of setting fires near massive Dixie blaze in Northern California – My Comments
Audio: JEWS108: Jews are MANAGERS (Strategists), Whites are WORKERS, Soldiers, Scientists Tacticians
This is a follow up video from How Jews Think. In this video I discuss the class warfare of the Jews as an upper class with a work outlook of Managment versus whites, who almost universally are some form of High Quality Worker. I look at the different outlooks of these two groups and then examine the resulting clashes between then.
[Look at these filthy scum in the universities in America. Universities are HOTBEDS of ANTI-WHITE COMMUNISM. In South Africa, during Apartheid, the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg was the "2nd" HQ for the South African Communist party!!! I'm not joking. Some time back on Youtube I was watching a video by a US Professor whose a f*cking COMMUNIST!!! It is from these universities that lots of anti-White stuff is coming. Remember that disgusting hate-filled Jew who was talking about the "need to destroy Whiteness?" Jan]
(Natural News) It’s been this way for decades now, but California is an incubator of left-wing lunatics and Marxists, so it’s not surprising when someone who embraces that sort of ideology turns on the state because there is no controlling people like that.
According to the Sacramento Bee, a former professor of criminal justice who taught at one of the state’s universities has been arrested on suspicion of setting fires near the Dixie Fire, which is currently burning out of control in Northern California and has already become the second-worst blaze in Golden State history, having destroyed more than 500 homes and burned in excess of a half-million acres.
“Gary Stephen Maynard, 47, is believed to have worked at a number of colleges in California, including Santa Clara University and Sonoma State University, where a Dr. Gary Maynard is listed as a lecturer in criminal justice studies specializing in criminal justice, cults and deviant behavior,” the paper reported last week.
Officials said Maynard was arrested last weekend after an investigation that began July 20 and included an agent with the U.S. Forest Service put a tracking device under his vehicle after he was suspected of committing arson. The device was placed after he was momentarily detained by police from Susanville on Aug. 3, according to the paper.
“Over the course of the last several weeks, Maynard has set a series of fires in the vicinity of the Lassen National Forest and Shasta Trinity National Forest…,” [Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael] Anderson noted in a detention memo. “The area in which Maynard chose to set his fires is near the ongoing Dixie fire, a fire which is still not contained despite the deployment and efforts of over 5,000 personnel.”
In ordering him to remain in custody last week, the U.S. magistrate judge who is handling the case said there could be some mental issues involved (you think?).
“He was a part-time lecturer in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice,” Sonoma State spokeswoman Julia Gonzalez wrote in an email to the SacBee. “He was employed with Sonoma State University in Fall 2020, but did not have an appointment for Spring 2021.
“Mr. Maynard was contracted to fill in for a faculty member who was on leave. He taught two seminars in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies in Fall 2020,” she added.
The university took down Maynard’s profile page within minutes after the SacBee inquired about him.
“Gary Maynard was an adjunct faculty member in the sociology department at Santa Clara University from September 2019 to December 2020,” Santa Clara University wrote in an emailed statement, the paper reported.
As for the fire itself, though it appears at least some of the flames were set intentionally, Democrats are doing what they always do and blaming the blaze on the climate change hoax.
But a hoax, it is, as Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the health ranger, has documented. But, as he noted in 2019, the hoax has consequences for our country because it is influencing public policy and lawmaking.
He writes:
…[W]e’re learning that the climate change hoax has quite literally convinced nearly an entire generation of lunatic Leftists that the world is going to end in just 12 years if we don’t bow down to the demands of Al Gore and the rest of the climate hoax cartel.
In the last few days, a young Millennial member of Congress — the incoming Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — has gone full libtard with a public pronouncement that “the world is going to end in 12 years” if climate change isn’t stopped.
That member? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), has since become the developer of the “Green New Deal,” a massively expensive gaggle of unrealistic, unachievable, expensive policies that will bankrupt the country and destroy the middle class by radically altering the way we live, travel and exist.
Video: Jack the JEWISH Ripper & the murders of Mary Phagan & Bubbles Schroeder
I look at famous unsolved crimes, each of which is filled with confusion and each of which has Jews as the main suspects in it. We look at how Jews protect each other and refuse to give evidence in crimes which implicate other Jews.