Pope Francis To Confer Knighthood On Rabbi For Lifetime Of Judaizing Catholic Church
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(Jerusalem Post) Pope Francis continues his campaign to bolshevize the Church by knighting a rabbi who has spent his life “negotiating” with Catholics to compromise their historical intransigence toward subversive, Christ-denying Jewry:
A. James Rudin, a leading Reform rabbi and educator and the longtime director of inter-religious affairs at the American Jewish Committee, will be knighted under the Papal Order of St. Gregory for his work on Catholic-Jewish relations.
He will become the ninth Jewish person to receive the honor in the Order’s nearly 200-year history. Other Jews so knighted include Walter Annenberg, the philanthropist and creator of TV Guide; the prominent Conservative rabbi Mordecai Waxman; Argentine interfaith advocate Rabbi León Klenicki; Rabbi David Rosen of the AJC; and various philanthropists, business people and musicians with Jewish ancestry.
The honor recognizes people whose work has supported the Catholic Church, which can include Jews focused on interfaith projects.
Earlier this year, Rudin, 88, published a memoir, “The People in the Room: Rabbis, Nuns, Pastors, Popes, and Presidents,” which recounts his many trips abroad during his time working at the AJC as part of his work to improve Jewish-Christian relations in the years after the Holocaust.
“For more than 50 years, Rabbi James Rudin has worked to advance Catholic-Jewish relations, and interfaith relations on a wider scale, with extraordinary skill, dedication, and success,” Cardinal Sean O’Malley, archbishop of Boston, said in a statement. “The impact of this work continues to grow as successive generations build on the foundation Rabbi Rudin has established.”
…Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, director of the United Nations relations and strategic partnerships for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, helped nominate Rudin for the honor.
“This knighthood clearly demonstrates the evolving positive relations between Catholics and Jews,” Greenberg said. “Rabbi Rudin well deserves this historic, international honor.”
So-called “inter-faith” dialogue between Jews and Christians has always been a one-way street — Jews pretend to be offended and make demands — and the Christians cower and kiss their rings.
At no time in the short history of “inter-faith” dialogue have the Jews ever compromised any of their extremist hatred of Christianity or Christians in general — as far as the Church is concerned, Christianity must apologize to Jews for being Christian.
Jews demand that Christians literally deny Christ’s most foundational teaching in John 14:6,
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
And Christians are commanded in 2 Corinthians 6:14 to have nothing to do with recalcitrant unbelievers — and that certainly includes any “inter-faith” dialogue that always leads to compromise:
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
And the Catholic Church has all but surrendered under pressure from the Jews and suggested that Jews have some sort of “special dispensation” that allows for their salvation without submitting to Christ.
When Pope Francis declared in 2019 that Christendom no longer exists, he had no one to blame but himself — by his actions, by his fruits we know him — and Francis is in bed with the fruits.
Note how the Church also bestowed a knighthood on Jewish billionaire Walter Annenberg whose family first gained their wealth from organized crime in Chicago by controlling the sports betting wire — which landed Walter’s father in Federal prison for tax evasion.
And then Walter Annenberg further enriched his family’s coffers by publishing TV Guide — which aided and abetted the mainlining of every American home with Jewish “values” through the Judaizing medium of television.
As Catholic priest, Fr. Leonard Feeney once observed,
“Having a television in your home is like having a Jew in your living room.”
It is this kind of relentless degradation of Christian values that the Church rewards with a knighthood — and allows the Pope to declare the demise of Christendom.
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