Polish South African Hero Janusz Walus to finally get parole after 28 years! – My Comments – My Mistake


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[Walus assassinated the top Black Communist in South Africa, Chris Hani. When I wrote my book Government by Deception and also did my website, I was suspicious about Walus because he came from Poland which had been communist. So back then I believed this was a type of communist FALSE FLAG so as to cause trouble for us Whites. You must keep in mind that back then, I had no contacts in the White Right. I never knew anyone close to Walus or Clive Derby Lewis or even the AWB. So by my analysis I was very suspicious. I was also suspicious about various things about the event and what happened shortly thereafter. It is only in recent years that I now have contacts and know people who were in the White Right who could tell me more. I also thought the Boeremag were another type of False Flag. But there too I was wrong. So it turned out that there were things I thought were False Flags staged by the Communists or the Blacks who were our enemies; but in fact, they turned out to be things that people on our side did. So it turned out that I was WRONG about Janusz Waluz and about the Boeremag. Little could I imagine that a White HERO from Poland was in South Africa and that he blew away our top communist. Waluz pulled off the greatest assassination that anyone on our side ever pulled off. Our brother from Europe came and he fought alongside us. Waluz was a real modern Waffen SS man. Little could I imagine at the time that that was in fact the reality and the truth. I subsequently discovered that there were more Whites with determination and courage than I realised. It took me a long time to realise that we're far from finished. Walus spent more time in jail than Mandela. I hope he gets parole. Jan]

The constitutional court on Monday declared Justice Minister Ronald Lamola’s decision to deny parole to Janusz Walus, who murdered South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani in 1993, irrational.

The constitutional court on Monday declared Justice Minister Ronald Lamola’s decision to deny parole to Janusz Walus, who murdered South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani in 1993, irrational and ordered that he be released within 10 calendar days.

Walus has spent just over 28 years in prison for an act that brought pre-democratic South Africa to the brink of civil war.

In a unanimous judgment, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo said in weighing the history of administrative decision-making on Walus’s repeated attempts to secure parole he was deeply mindful of the severity of the crime, and the calamity it nearly caused, but also of the fact that those who drafted the Constitution, adopted a few years later, intended all and not just those who supported the transition, to enjoy fundamental rights.

Source: https://mg.co.za/news/2022-11-21-concourt-orders-release-of-janusz-walus-on-parole/

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Video: Dylann Roof is a White Nelson Mandela
Why is it that whites are held to a different moral standard than everybody else while AT THE SAME TIME, they all tell us that we are all exactly EQUAL? In what way were the actions of Dylann Roof in the USA any different to the actions of Nelson Mandela in South Africa?

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