Pic: Proof White men are no longer in charge… Male power has been TOTALLY BROKEN!


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[Young white males running after much older women. This should show clearly that men no longer have much value. Male power has been totally broken. Men have to pander to women. The male is no longer a lion. He’s a meek little puppy. He commands no respect, etc. The modern male, especially the modern white male is a truly pathetic thing.

She’s 50 and he’s 27.

BTW his name is “Aaron” – so I’m not sure if he’s Jewish.

For the record, my late mother said something interesting to me many times. She said to me, that the happiest married couples she knew were the ones where the man is 10-15 years older than the woman. My mother would not have approved of this. She felt it was absolutely imperative that a man must be older than his wife. Jan]

Here are some photos and I’ve put a link to the story (I don’t care who they are, I don’t care if they’re rich – its just pathetic):-

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5586183/Sam-Taylor-Johnson-50-looks-chic-LBD-cosies-husband-Aaron-27-Cartier-bash.html

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White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: The Confederate Rebellion
A game by award-winning designer David Kershaw, The Confederate Rebellion is a grand strategy solitaire simulation of the American Civil War.

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