Pic: Jan’s Meme: White Man, these are the true tools of DEMOCRACY … learn to use them!
Photos: Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler
Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany.
[In Ancient Greece, if I understand it correctly, Democracy was only for soldiers. If we had Greek Democracy now, there would be no CLOWN WORLD in the USA, Canada, Europe or South Africa … the biggest clown act of the lot. White men, forget all the other nonsense.
The USA itself is BASED ON THE ROMAN EMPIRE! Yes, seriously. It was the same there. Only men could vote, and you were only taken seriously if you had fought for Rome.
ALL POWER in this world is based on the white male’s force of arms. The entire Western world has ALWAYS only existed on this basis.
It’s time to kick the clowns aside and show them… the day of the rope is coming … and TRUE DEMOCRACY is coming to the Western world … and EVERY INCH OF THE WESTERN WORLD IS GOING TO BE TAKEN BACK … BY THE WHITE MALES! 14/88 Brothers. Jan]
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