4 Photos: WARNING: GORE: S.Africa: White Woman stabbed & cut 9 times yesterday!


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Video: Afrikaner Resistance Movement: Speech by AWB Leader Steyn von Ronge
On 2017-11-11 I attended a public gathering held by the AWB on a farm 30Km from Coligny. At the gathering were other right wing groups allied to the AWB.

[Come and take a look at how wonderful life is in South Africa. Look at what happened to this woman. I have no idea who wanted to kill her or why. But does this strike you as a safe country? Look at what happened to her! Just remember, our Police don’t really “waste” much time on something called “Detective Work”. In the suburb I live in, as in all of South Africa (and I’ve repeated what I saw and learned first hand in Pretoria West – The WHITES have to CATCH the criminals and then the Police might decide NOT to charge them! Yes, no kidding. There is no Police force in the WORLD that is more disinterested in catching criminals than the South African Police – that’s why our PRIVATELY PAID Security Industry (paid by normal citizens) has BIGGER FUNDING than the South African Army! No jokes! Our Private Security industry is worth over $45 billion per year. That is about $3.4 billion per year that (mostly) whites pay to the security companies for Armed Response, Alarm systems, patrols, etc. Its because our POLICE LIKE TO DO NOTHING AND PREFER TO LET BLACK CRIMINALS GO AND ARE NOT KEEN TO CHARGE THEM WITH CRIMES!!! Jan]

Because we don’t really give a shit, and never hang anyone, etc – maybe that’s why crimes like this happen as it did yesterday!

The story:
The attack was last night at 6 pm. The lady got 9 knife wounds.The attacker has told police that he went to her house to kill her. He is under aged, so he will not be locked up. He is currently at courts whereby they will place him in a special school!

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Video: BEFORE HITLER: JEWS turned Germany (Weimar) into a HELL of Prostitution, Drugs, Trans
Everything you see in America today was done after WW1, and long before Hitler and the NAZIS arose. The same degeneracy took place and Jews destroyed society and turned White women into street prostitutes.

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