Photos: Tony Podesta, Satanism, Creepy Secret Sex rings, pedophiles, Jews … murdering White kids… – Why the RED SHOES?
22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!
Jews have been lying to you all your life about Adolf Hitler. He was the good guy. Here are the truths about Hitler you were never told.
[Wikileaks at one point put out a mass of emails that were linked to John Podesta. His brother Tony Podesta is also really weird. Wikileaks, has to my knowledge NEVER leaked junk. And they were suggesting that their was weird satanism and creepy sex stuff going on. I’ve looked into a few things and I think there’s something real for sure. Take for example the photo below of Tony Podesta with his buddies. Here are lots of mature, grown White men … now why are they all wearing those weird red shoes? What does the red signify? Blood? When I was in Canada in 2019, with Paul Fromm, he brought up the issue of SECRET SIGNALS that the Jews use so that other Jews know what’s going on. He explained a theory of his that Jews use words that we would not normally use, and that these words have meanings that only other people in on the secret will understand. One word he quoted was “trope”. It’s not something that we would normally use. Secret societies have a long tradition of various secret methods of people knowing who is part of the group. With strange behaviour, like this, it is easy to pretend you’re just having some fun, but others on the inside will know the real meaning of this. Jews are very into this kind of behaviour. Tony Podesta is known to have had some very weird, creepy, bizarre photos in his house. The red could also imply sex. I think that things like this, is part of the step down the rabbit hole that will lead to Jews and their weird control over powerful people in the Western world. Corruption, and shared CRIMES will bind people together. e.g. The Jew pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and the “Good Jew” Lord Janner in Britain who was having sex with boys in parliament. I think that this type of stuff which is regularly covered up, even by the Police, etc … is the secret to getting to Jewish power over Whites, and even over nations. See the comment below on the website I found the photos on. What’s with the red shoes? Why are a bunch of adult males wearing those weird red shoes? And why do the kids in the paintings wear red shoes? What’s the secret? Or is it a really creepy, really evil, nasty secret? Jan]
Tony Podesta and his friends all wearing red shoes. Why are the kids in the questionable paintings in Podesta’s house also wearing red shoes? Something to think about.
Video: A German Superman: Panzer Commander Hermann Balck
Hermann Balck is the greatest operational commander on the German side in WW2. He achieved unmatched success in battles. His Panzer Division pulled off unbelievable tactical successes.