Photos: Jewish scum at work: French Author Hervé Ryssen jailed in latest opinion crime crackdown – My Comments
INCREDIBLE: Time Magazine admits & boasts about How the US Presidential Election was STOLEN!!!
This is the incredible story they published shortly after the election which names and gives details of the Jew who actually stole the US Presidential Election of 2020. The Jew Michael Avram Podhorzer is the real scumbag who specialises in stealing elections. He was the only one with the money and trade union backing to pull this off.
[The Jewish scum are at work on a MASSIVE SCALE across the Western World. They are busy putting people in prison for exposing their enormous Jewish lies! Isn't it amazing that people demand that others believe in their historical lies otherwise you go to jail!?!?! That's insane. The nonsense they have written, and the historical fictions that they have created over the centuries … it is our RIGHT to believe what we want. Who the hell are they to decide you must go to jail if you do not take their fiction seriously? This should show clearly how DEEPLY EMBEDDED Jews are with the Western world's elite. This is a serious problem. This is from several weeks ago. Dreadful. Jan]
The French author Hervé Ryssen – pen name of 53-year-old Sorbonne graduate Hervé Lalin – has been jailed near Paris for the ‘crime’ of expressing opinions deemed ‘anti-semitic’.
Among his ‘crimes’ was publication of a book in 2018 entitled (in English translation) Understanding the Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism, which the court found to have ‘denied the Holocaust’. This and several of M. Ryssen’s other books have been translated into English by Carlos Porter and are available via The Barnes Review.
Hervé Ryssen
On 18th September the Paris court ordered that Hervé Ryssen must begin serving a 19 month jail sentence for this crime of questioning orthodox versions of mid-20th century history. He will be brought from his cell to the ’17th correctional chamber’ at Porte de Clichy, Paris, for a new trial at 1.30 pm on 2nd December 2020.
Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the French National Front and former presidential candidate, has denounced the sentence.
English translations of several books by Hervé Ryssen are available from The Barnes Review – click above for link
This week veteran British nationalist and National Front Directorate member Richard Edmonds, together with H&D assistant editor Peter Rushton, wrote to Mr Ryssen/Lalin in prison.
An English translation of the letter appears below.
From Richard Edmonds, …Sutton, Surrey, Angleterre. Dated 23. September 2020.
To Herve Ryssen-Lalin,
Maison d’Arret de Fleury-Merogis, prisoner number 459-091, 7 Avenue des Peupliers, F-91 700, Fleury-Merogis, France.
Dear Herve Ryssen-Lalin,
Everybody is talking about your incarceration and everybody is condemning it…the nationalist weekly news-paper, RIVAROL, the founder of the Front National, Jean -Marie Le Pen and all the friends of Free Speech.
At this very moment the trial is taking place in Paris of the murderers who attacked the offices of the (vile) satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, and the President of France, Macron, has just stated that in France people have the right to blaspheme, meaning that the vile blasphemies of Charlie Hebdo are O.K.
[Note for British readers: a few years back, the front cover of the “satirical” French magazine showed a cartoon of the Holy Ghost buggering Jesus Christ who in turn was busy buggering His father, God Almighty; this filth all deemed O.K. by the French Establishment.]
Former Prime Minister Theresa May, alongside Sir Eric Pickles (chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel) declares “I am a Jew”, in a campaign inspired by supporters of Charlie Hebdo
Macron went on to boast that in France there was Freedom of Speech…but that clearly does not include the freedom to discuss details of the Second World War, otherwise you, Monsieur Ryssen-Lalin, would not find yourself locked up in this prison and for many months to come. What to say ? We find ourselves in a hypocritical and tyrannical world.
One can only add that you find yourself in the company of first class persons: At this very time the very brave German woman, Ursula Haverbeck aged 91 years finds herself locked up in a German prison up for the “crime” of expressing her non-violent opinions regarding details of the Second World War: as does the German Revisionist Horst Mahler, aged 84, and the German defence lawyer, Frau Sylvia Stolz, both incarcerated for expressing their non-violent opinions on events that took place more than seventy years ago. I note that the French Revisionist, Vincent Reynouard was locked up in this same prison; he wrote a book on his experiences in Fleury-Merogis prison.
Sincerely, Richard Edmonds and Peter Rushton.
Free Hervé Ryssen!Source:
National Vanguard: Kevin Strom‘s Search Engine for Whites
Kevin Strom wrote his own search engine and made it available to the public.