Photos: Amazing French Mirage Jets you never heard of… – White Weapons America got rid of


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Video: WTA02: NATOs Secret Wars: How Portugal fought Blacks in Africa with NATO and US help
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[A supporter in France sent me these links to French Mirage jets that you've never heard of. The Mirage jets were used by the SAAF (South African Air Force) in the time of Apartheid. Those planes were the best planes we ever had and they even fought against Soviet MIGS. If you look at the British especially and even the Canadians, but also examples from Germany and France, you'll see that America has tried to gain a total monopoly on all super high tech weaponry, ESPECIALLY in the field of aviation. From all kinds of fighters and bombers, through to helicopters, you'll see these things were designed and built by other Whites and then the Americans came and found ways to destroy those industries. Britain, for example, had a pretty amazing aviation industry at one time. The Canadians also worked on an incredible military aircraft that America quickly destroyed and got rid of. America has a monopoly on the best aviation technology these days. Jan]

Here are the links and notes my French supporter sent me:

The Mirage G8 was the only french-made variable-sweep wing aircraft:

The Mirage 4000 was destined to be a rival of the american F-15:

Neither entered production.

Apart from the nuclear capable Mirage IV, these two were the heaviest, biggest and most powerful Mirages Dassault conceived.

But the one I have always preferred and made me dream when I was a teenager is the gorgeous Mirage 2000

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