Photo: US: White man would have got jail time but Black man accused of making threats against businesses sentenced to probation
2005: Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America
This is an American article I published on AfricanCrisis from another website.
[Jim Rizoli sent me this one with the comment that if this was a White man in the USA, he'd get JAIL TIME! I'm sure! Multiculturalism is a load of nonsense and the more you live in it, the more you'll see how untenable it is. Jan]
MADISON, Wis. — A Madison man accused of making threats against area business owners during last summer’s civil unrest was sentenced to two years of probation by a federal judge on Wednesday.
Devonere Johnson, 29, pleaded guilty to extortion in November. He first appeared in federal court in July 2020.
Police said Johnson was one of several men who demanded free food and drinks in return for not having a business destroyed by protesters. Victims told police that during the commission of the alleged crimes, one of the suspects was in possession of a baseball bat.
Johnson, who also goes by Yeshua Musa, was arrested outside Cooper’s Tavern last summer. Police released video shows Johnson talking through a bullhorn and carrying a bat that appears to say “Black lives” inside Cooper’s.
Police also released video showing the confrontation and struggle between officers and Johnson that showed him run from the police squad car and police regaining custody of him in the middle of West Mifflin Street. Johnson’s arrest lead to violent demonstrations in Madison.
Johnson admitted that his conduct was “intimidating, scary and wrong” during his sentencing memorandum.
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