Photo: This Jewish nonsense will massively harm the image of America in the Third World with non-Whites
18 Pics: RACE TRAITOR: Charlize Theron is a piece of shit! She is HATED INTENSELY in S.Africa!
She grew up in S.Africa, but now that she‘s a big star in Jewish Hollywood she is utterly disgusting. Look at these photos and you‘ll see what a total TRAITOR she is to Boere-Afrikaners.
[Just look at this Jewish idiocy. I want to warn White Americans, you have no idea how much harm stuff like this will do to the image of America across the world. Like here in Africa, the Blacks may have their many shortcomings, but if there is one concept they grasp clearly it is this: That sex takes place between a male and a female. This notion of gays and lesbians is HATED in Africa. In South Africa where we have a strong Jewish financial presence, they have managed to force most Blacks to accept this. BUT IN THE REST OF AFRICA… Blacks will beat up, rape and even KILL gays and lesbians. Blacks GANG RAPE lesbians. They call it “corrective rape”. They regard female-to-female sex as ABNORMAL. Robert Mugabe, the Black communist whom I hated, once gave a “pigs and dogs” speech. In it, he said that gay sex is wrong and that the NEXT STEP from there is BESTIALITY! He said that the next step from gay sex is sex with “pigs and dogs”. I can’t tell you how bad this is for the image of America. The mass of the Third World are not demented and they have a grasp of what is natural when it comes to sex. These notions of 24 different types of genders, and men having sex with men, etc … even the most retarded people in the Third World will see this for what it is. They will lose respect for America. They will not see this as good. The will LOSE RESPECT for America. Just look at the photo below of Sam Brinton, and look also at the men posing like dogs and with dog masks. What is that? Men pretending to be dogs for sex? This will NOT work for America. This is like the Jew “woman/man” who became an Admiral recently. This stuff is pure nuts. Other races will look on America as being some kind of weird, creepy Satanic nation. Meanwhile the driving force behind this nonsense is Jews. You Americans have no idea how bad this is for your image. You will look like fools and idiots even to the most retarded people on the planet. They will question YOUR SANITY. It’s very silly. I need to look at what Hitler did with gays and lesbians. I don’t think he had a huge problem with it, and it should not be a big problem. Jews are turning it into a problem. This photo below is so bad for America. So bad. Jan]
2005: Black Failure: S.Africa: Half of SA pupils do not reach matric
Under Black rule: About half of all South African children drop out of school before they reach Grade 12. The vast majority of these are Black kids.