Philadelphia previously rejected Dominion Voting Systems for fear of foreign interference… who knew?
White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS shirt
Ersatzkommando der Waffen SS (literally translates to Replacement Command of the Waffen SS), the 1943 Belgian World War II recruitment poster created by the National Socialist German occupying forces, and featuring Bertau art of a giant SS symbol literally slaying a Liberal/Bolshevik red dragon.
(Natural News) The US Federal Election Commission Chairman, Trey Trainor, says that the 2020 US election is illegitimate due to widespread fraud. Texas Attorney Sidney Powell said her legal team has “detected voting irregularities that are inexplicable” even in states where election officials believed they have valid systems in place. The election technology industry is influenced by private equity investments from all across the economy. The democratic process is compromised because the security of the voting systems is up for sale and off-shored.
At the center of the controversy is foreign voting system software that is designed to overturn election results via backdoor hacks in the software. One of the companies is Dominion Voting Systems, a Canadian-owned gig that has reportedly “glitched” during the 2020 election, switching Trump votes to Biden.
Philadelphia turns down Dominion for fear of election interference
It turns out that Dominion Voting Systems submitted a bid to the City of Philadelphia, but were turned down for fear the company would be used by foreign manipulators looking to interfere in US elections. Although unsuccessful in Philadelphia, Dominion’s bid revealed much about the secrecy of their operations. The part of the bid that lists foreign ownership was REDACTED. The location of manufacture of its systems in a foreign country was also REDACTED. The bid blacked out all information on the manufacturer of their components and software, hiding the foreign countries that influence their software.
The Philadelphia bid was ultimately awarded to Election Systems & Software (ES&S). Even this company contained a system that runs directly against the advisories put forth by the Pennsylvania Blue Ribbon Commission on Election Security. The Blue-Ribbon Commission decided that ES&S puts Pennsylvania’s elections at risk “because of its voting methods and machinery.” The Blue-Ribbon Commission also warned about the use of bar code and QR machines because they are not readable by humans. This method caused widespread reports of voter suppression during the 2018 midterms in Georgia. (Related: Full transcripts of recent Sidney Powell interviews about Dominion software voting systems and massive CRIMINAL election fraud nationwide.)
US elections were off-shored to bankrupt Spanish company that has a history of defrauding elections
The 2020 Presidential election was also counted by a bankrupted company named Scytl from Spain. Scytl has a long history of interfering in national elections using back doors into its election software. According to military intelligence, the US military raided the facility in Spain where the servers are kept, as federal investigators identify the origins of the software fraud.
According to Texas Attorney Sidney Powell, the evidence of widespread fraud is overwhelming. “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said, while notifying the American public that there is enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up,” she added, detailing how elections software switched “millions of votes” from Trump to Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Powell said, “We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.”
She said a whistleblower has come forward with testimony on how Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic election software is designed to “rig elections.” Powell revealed that foreign actors can upload vote-shifting software to the voting machines. The foreign actors can remote access the votes in “real time” and shift them to their preferred candidate. They can do this from Germany, Venezuela or anywhere in the world they like. Powell said that their legal team has “identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used and planned to use from the beginning.” This algorithm is designed to switch Trump votes to Biden votes.
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