Phallic Symbols: Humans don’t change! – FINLAND MOVES TO BAN SENDING UNWANTED PENIS PICS – Male Penis pride: an Ancient thing?


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Video: EXCELLENT: Israel: White Politician in Europe says: Jews are given a license to KILL ANYBODY
I think I‘ve seen this White man before. I think he might be Polish. I think he‘s tackled the Jews before.

[All across the Ancient world, and that includes the ancient White world are phallic symbols. Like for example the ancient Obelisks from the Egyptian, Roman and other civilisations. The definition of a phallic symbol is: Psychoanalysis: any object, as a cigar or skyscraper, that may broadly resemble or represent the penis,
esp. such an object that symbolizes power, as an automobile (I think the original idea comes from the Jew Freud). So I do wonder how accurate this is. But it is pretty much a given that the male organ was depicted a LOT in ancient times, even before written history. The sexual impulse is tremendously strong, in men and women, and the sexual impulse even has a quite a lot of "madness" associated with it – illogic. There are times when the impulse is so strong as to defy danger and even death. Yet we Whites have far too few children and our entire setup is a mess. But deep down, inside of all of us, lives a wild animal and that animal wants to engage in sex and procreate. I do think we are living in an overtly female world, a Jewish world, and in this world, all the rules are designed in a way that works totally against men and also against natural animal instinct. We have a raw instinct to procreate that at times borders on the insane. We Whites can suppress our animal instincts massively, and I think to the detriment of our race and existence now. We live in such a Jewish, childish world that men can't say things to women that they want to say. And now we have all kinds of silly laws because things like TRUST are broken, etc, etc. But deep down, the boys want to be boys. The Blacks do worse than this stuff. In SA they had to pass a law to stop people filming sex with their "partners" and then distributing it in public later to embarrass their former "partner". But the penis pics take us back to the male organ and in the ancient past this was a wide-spread symbol. Even in old Roman ruins, like at Pompeii, they discovered brothels and they even discovered Roman men having written on walls, things like: "I screwed Jane" – type of stuff. In many respects nothing has changed and the animal is alive within us. What we need are rules, methods and ethics that allow us to be animal, but in a way that works for the benefit of all of us. This brings us back to Hitler, for example and the NAZIS not discriminating against a pregnant White girl. She was accepted as a mother and given the ability to raise her child. They did not make her feel bad for being pregnant. We need approaches that can work. The ideal is perhaps the Family, but in practise, many things are a mess, especially now. But we must find ways forward. WE MUST LIVE AND EXPAND AS A BIOLOGICAL ENTITY. This is CRITICAL. Jan]

HELSINKI – Officials in Finland have proposed updating sexual offences laws to make sending unsolicited explicit photographs punishable by up to six months in prison, the justice ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.

The draft legislation would broaden the definition of sexual harassment to include "harassment verbally, through pictures or messages, taking photos of another or exposing oneself," according to a statement.

The sentence would range from a fine to a prison sentence depending on the seriousness of the offence.

Currently Finnish law only recognises behaviour as sexual harassment if it involves touching, while the sending of explicit images can sometimes be prosecuted under the country’s defamation laws, which do not recognise the sexual dimension of the act.

The proposal could be submitted "sometime next year" to the government who would put it before parliament, senior legislative advisor Sami Kiriakos from Finland’s justice ministry told AFP.

Research has shown that online sexual harassment is widespread, including the sending of non-consensual sexual images, sometimes known as "dick pics" or "cyber-flashing."

A study this year by children’s rights charity Plan International found that 51% of 14,000 girls and young women surveyed worldwide had experienced sexual harassment online.

Some 35% of the surveyed 15- to 25-year-olds had received "sexual or explicit photos or images," the research said.

"The studies based on questionnaires show that sexual harassment is quite common and that the victims of this type of behaviour are most often female, so it is very relevant to consider how it should be dealt with in law," Kiriakos said.

Some territories have taken steps to ban online sexual harassment, including Scotland which outlawed the behaviour in 2010, and the US state of Texas which last year introduced a $500 (€424) fine for sending unsolicited sexual images.

However, many other countries have been slow to criminalise online flashing, which can prove difficult to enforce.

"These types of offences, or virtually anything that occurs on the web, may be very difficult to investigate," Kiriakos said.

But "investigative authorities do have coercive measures which apply to sexual offences if certain conditions are met, such as access to telecommunications data," he added.

The proposal is part of a wide-ranging redrafting of Finnish sexual offences legislation which would also see the legal definition of rape changed to mean sex without consent, rather than its current classification which requires physical violence or the threat of violence to be present.


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Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
NB: This video was banned off Youtube in December 2016. This is part 1 of the fabulous little book: The Great Jewish Masque, written in 1936. This little book makes a fascinating study (dont miss parts 5 & 6). The mysterious author of this was EXCEPTIONALLY well-versed in the history of the Middle East & the Jews. (Modern scientific research confirms most of what he wrote but well return to this later in the series).

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