Pfizer Pressured Twitter to Censor Natural Immunity Information


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Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer pressured Twitter to censor posts on natural immunity and label such information as “misleading.”

According to newly revealed internal emails, Twitter complied with lobbying efforts from Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb and censored posts that hurt the Big Pharma company’s profits.

Gottlieb pressured Twitter to censor information that questioned the efficacy of the Covid vaccine in comparison to natural immunity.

To fulfill Gottlieb’s requests, Twitter censored posts that promoted the effectiveness of natural immunity against the virus by slapping a “misleading” label on such posts and removing the ability to share, comment, or like the tweets.

Newly released Twitter files show that the platform censored a tweet from Dr. Brett Giroir after it was flagged by Gottlieb.

Gottlieb is a board member at the biopharmaceutical company Altesa Biosciences, which produces drugs to combat Covid.

In his tweet, Giroir argues that people with natural immunity to COVID-19 shouldn’t need a vaccine.

In August 2021, Gottlieb complained to Todd O’Boyle, a senior manager on Twitter’s Public Policy team, about Giroir’s post.

“It’s now clear #COVID19 natural immunity is superior to #vaccine immunity, by ALOT,” tweeted Giroir.

“There’s no science justification for #vax proof if a person had prior infection.

“@CDCDirector @POTUS must follow the science.

“If no previous infection? Get vaccinated!”

“This is the kind of stuff that’s corrosive,” Gottlieb asserts in the email.

“Here he draws a sweeping conclusion off a single retrospective study in Israel that hasn’t been peer-reviewed.

“But this tweet will end up going viral and driving news coverage.”

O’Boyle then forwarded Gottlieb’s email to Twitter’s Strategic Response team for review.

However, he failed to tell them that Gottlieb was on the Pfizer board, instead merely referring to him as “the former FDA commissioner.”

Despite Twitter ruling that the tweet didn’t violate its rules, it still complied with Gottlieb’s demand and slapped a “misleading” tag on the post.

The move means the post had its replies, shares, and likes disabled, burying it in the algorithm.

A week later, Gottlieb complained about another tweet by lockdown skeptic Justin Hart.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but a viral pathogen with a child mortality rate of ~0% has cost our children nearly three years of schooling,” Hart tweeted.

Gottlieb’s concern was that the tweet might generate doubt surrounding giving the Covid vaccine to kids, given that it “would soon be approved for children 5 to 11.”

The Pfizer board member also previously flagged an article written by journalist and vaccine skeptic Alex Berenson, who was subsequently suspended by Twitter.

Gottlieb wasn’t happy that his lobbying attempts on behalf of Pfizer had been exposed, however.

He complained that the release of his communications with Twitter had stoked “the threat environment” and led to “more menacing dialogue, with potentially serious consequences.”

Giroir responded by asserting that Gottlieb was upset that he had been caught “apparently (putting) corporate interests first not public health.”

As Slay News reported last week, emails also show the White House lobbied Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson and others for expressing skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine.

This all once again highlights the fact that Big Tech’s “content moderation” policies were being imposed at the behest of lobbying by the government and giant pharmaceutical companies.

The efforts represent a clear violation of the First Amendment.


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