People asking me for advice on what to do…
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Here in SA and also on my Bitchute channel I’ve been getting requests from people on what can be done. I like this. I am very happy that people are not so DEPRESSED that they just want to give up. Instead, they are willing to DO THINGS. So that makes me very happy.
I will therefore slip in some activism and ideas videos on what can be done, both inside South Africa and also in the USA, etc.
We must ALL STICK TOGETHER. This is the only way.
But I am happy that people are not that AFRAID and DEPRESSED that they want to do nothing.
That’s excellent. And that they want to DO SOMETHING … is important. That’s lovely. That’s EXCELLENT.
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White Shop: Fire Force: A Troopers War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
This is the best book Ive read about Rhodesia which describes the life of a young soldier who is in the Fire force. These guys were called into battle several times a day and the fighting was hectic. This book is very well written and you never get bored.
White Shop: Fire Force: A Troopers War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
This is the best book Ive read about Rhodesia which describes the life of a young soldier who is in the Fire force. These guys were called into battle several times a day and the fighting was hectic. This book is very well written and you never get bored.