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Video: The Greatest Talent of the Jews...
Sometimes, even the Jews tell the truth in an odd moment! I discuss two key talents that Jews have that are often overlooked but which are important.

[This is a note from Paul. Jan]

No one expects a prison to be a holiday, but denying prisoners, especially a political prisoner like Brad Love, mail is inhuman.. An unsigned memo dated April 6, 2018 from the Peace River Prison lists a lengthy number of forbidden items; including, "photocopies, religious material (without prior approval or chaplain or native programme co-ordindator), textbooks of course work (without prior approval by security and healthcare); magazines, brochures, pamphlets, newspapers; letters computer generated." Four mailings of the Free Speech Monitor and the Canadian Immigration Hotline have been seized. Several mailings from U.S. videographer Diane King who corresponds with several political prisoners in Canada and Europe habeen returned. The most recent mailing denied Brad is described as "letters … computer generated."

In a June 3 letter to CAFE, political prisoner Brad Love said: "WOW, I can finally utter the phrase ‘I get out next month.’ Something mailed by you was held from me as were letters from my brother, which included newspaper clippings and Michelle because inmates aren’t allowed to correspond with each other. Since when? [While at another institution, Brad had been in frequent contact with this woman.] How can a small town jail be so petty? Or is it me? I never see anyone writing or getting mail in here. So, either I stand out or someone is aware of my horrible letter writing history. Remember in 2014 when I was in the Lindsey [Ontario] jail and Kawartha cops charged me for writing to [his lawyer] Peter LIndsay and you and I were in a small Lindsay court to resolve such lunacy? What a fucked up country!

Should we alert the media? Oops, I forgot, They’re in on it. For 39 charges a New York jury took 11 hours, less than 20 minutes a charge, to find Trump guilty on everything. No one questions this.

Our library has been denied to us for a week and spme days ago, a guard was in my cubicle confiscating books from me. "You’re only allowed two!" So, here he was bypassing a group of inmates giggling over the Simpsons to toss my cell for history books that no one else would ever read or comprehend. A joke or what!

As of today [June 4], I’ve just been handed another "mail confiscated" receipt as Diane King’s letter was denied me. What did I tell you?


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2005: Black Failure: S.Africa: Half of SA pupils do not reach matric
Under Black rule: About half of all South African children drop out of school before they reach Grade 12. The vast majority of these are Black kids.

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