Paul Craig Roberts: Don’t Fall For The Establishment’s Tall Tales. There Was No “Violent Assault on the Ca pitol” and There is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud – My Comments
[I was astounded when an American lady wrote to me saying: Are you one of those who believes in the myth of the stolen election? If you have not realised that this election was stolen then you're a dumb ass. I will return to this topic with the results of Computer Data Experts who've studied the matter and they have some fascinating things to say. This was an in-your-face stolen election unlike anything ever seen in the Western world. Jan]
In this important column I provide you with evidence that there was no assault on the Capitol, and I provide you with so much evidence that there was massive electoral fraud that it will take you all weekend to go through the evidence.
Think intelligently. The rally for Trump on January 6 was massive, which is why the presstitutes did not show it to you. No other politician anywhere in the Western World could produce such a turnout of support. For the rest of the politicians in the West, such a turnout would be in opposition like the long-lived “yellow vest” protest in France and the massive protests in Germany against the Covid restrictions.
Here was the situation on January 6, 2021. Members have applied rules that require the House and Senate to listen to the evidence of election fraud. As Lew Rockwell points out, this means the public would also hear the evidence for the first time.
The evidence will show enormous fraud in the swing states where the election was stolen. Regardless of the evidence, everyone suspects Biden is going to be found the winner, because that is what the Establishment demands and has the means to enforce with media, Antifa, and BLM as threats to be unleashed and campaign contributions to cut off`. Large majorities of both parties would prefer not to see the evidence than to have to vote against the evidence.
The situation is pregnant with glory for Trump. Congress is putting him out of office in the face of a massive demonstration from 50 states in support of Trump.
The Establishment cannot possibly allow this. The massive support empowers Trump and his supporters as forces for democracy against a corrupt and self-serving Establishment, which is the last thing the Establishment wants and can tolerate. Trump must leave office discredited and blackened and his supporters must be demonized as “MAGA terrorists” and “enemies of democracy.”
This was easily achieved. Such a large and unorganized rally is easy to infiltrate and to lead into a staged “violent assault on the Capitol.”
Here is a report with video evidence that CNN/NPR presstitute Jade Sacker was with Antifa leader John Sullivan among the Trump supporters inside the Capitol. Jake and John are celebrating “We did it!” “It,” of course, is “assaulting the capital,” which deep-sixed the presentation of electoral fraud evidence. The Trump supporters were simply too naive to avoid the trap.
See this, this, this and this.
What happened is, as I have explained in previous columns and which can be verified by numerous available videos until they are censored and taken down, provocateurs appeared on the back steps of the Capitol and provoked the crowd to go up the steps to the barriers, causing police to fire tear gas. The photos and videos of people pushing aside barriers in the midst of swirling tear gas were used by the presstitutes to create the impression of an assault on the Capitol. See this.
As best as I can conclude from my research, no one entered the Capitol from the rear. All entry was in front, and entry happened because the Capitol police opened the door and let the rally attendees inside. The videos show that the “invaders” walked calmly in, staying in an orderly line and staying within the rope boundaries observed by Capitol visitors. The available videos show no “violent assault on the Capitol.” Here is one example.
“The violent assault on the Capitol” is another fake news success. This Establishment Tale has been propagated all over the world. For the people in media, the more outlandish the “news,” the more they hype it as that is what gets attention, brings readers, profits, and prizes. It is disconcerting that fake news has again prevailed to the extent that Republicans are being cut off from political donations. As journalist Ekaterina Blinova early realized, the Democrats intend to achieve one party rule by Democrats.
Why was this show orchestrated? The answer is obvious. The last thing the Establishment can allow is a challenger to the Establishment being kicked out of office in the face of what might be the largest demonstration of support for a political figure in American history. The very last thing that the American Establishment wants is a leader of that half of the American population who understand that the Establishment’s agendas are inimical to their own.
So Trump and his supporters had to be blackened and discredited with an orchestrated event that stopped the presentation of the evidence of electoral fraud and replaced it with an “insurrection against democracy by MAGA terrorists.” In one fell swoop, this got rid of the evidence of electoral fraud and Trump and his supporters. The massive rally of support for Trump was turned into a liability for Trump, his supporters, and Republicans.
There are no grounds for impeachment in Trump’s address to the crowd. But the presstitutes speak with one voice and need no evidence for their claims. The presstitutes create evidence with repetition: “A violent assault on the Capitol” encouraged by an “insurrectionist.”
To further blacken Trump the Establishment had Pelosi hold a second impeachment. The House convicted Trump on false charges, as Democrats are the majority, and Trump goes down in history as the first US president to be twice impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate.
Without conviction, impeachment fails. But this understanding will not be propagated by the presstitutes.
The Evidence of Electoral Fraud
To begin with, ask yourself how this fits in with Trump losing the election: Gallup Poll Finds Trump To Be America’s Most Admired Man.
As the presstitutes immediately deep-sixed the evidence of electoral fraud by declaring with one loud incessant voice that the claims of electoral fraud were the real fraud, the only people who saw the evidence of the massive organized electoral fraud were the members of the legislatures in the swing states who had the evidence presented to them and the members of the public who attended the presentation of the evidence or watched it live on the Internet. 99% of the American population do not know that expert witnesses presented vast evidence of electoral fraud to members of legislatures in the swing states. The Establishment did not want people to know this, and the presstitutes did not tell them.
I watched presentations in three of the swing states of the evidence presented by professionals who are heads of companies known for their capabilities in pattern analysis, voting patterns, and the capability of voting machines to be programed to weight votes toward the desired winner and to create questionable ballots that have to be adjudicated by election officials, and so on.
Evidence of massive mail-in ballot fraud was provided by hundreds of affidavits signed under penalty of perjury by witnesses to electoral fraud. The witnesses were people of all races, genders, and political party.
The function of the mail-in ballots was to backstop the programmed voting machines. If the machines were insufficiently weighted in favor of Biden, fradulent ballots could be used to further shift the vote in the desired direction.
There are many affidavits of unfolded ballots being counted, that is, ballots never folded, put in an envelop and mailed. There are security camera videos of the same ballots being counted over and over. There are affidavits of illegal aliens voting. There are affidavits of out-of-state people voting in swing states. There are affidavits of people voting from fake addresses. There are affidavits of people voting from graveyards.
This evidence is all over the Internet. No doubt much of it has been removed by our censors. Nevertheless, the presentations of the evidence to legislatures in the swing states is still available if you will commit the hours to watching the video presentations. My own columns and guest columns on this website contain reports on the evidence and links to presentations of the evidence. Most of the presentations will be censored into the Memory Hole, but my check yesterday showed that many of the links in my and my guest columns still exist. Moreover, even where the links have been removed by the tech companies that serve only the Establishment and never the people, the names of the presenters of evidence are there in most cases, and you can use internet searches to find them and ask if the evidence that they presented to swing state legislators is available online. At the end of this column is posted links to live presentations of the evidence and to reports of the evidence. These are just a smattering of the large body of evidence.
Twitter and Facebook, Establishment controlled social media that censor truth-tellers, lost $51 billion in their share prices as a result of censoring the President of the United States.
They would be headed out of business except that the alternatives are being denied service by Apple, Amazon, and Google—all faithful servants of the Establishment. The social media site, Parler, which refuses to censor for the Establishment, has been cut off from service by Big Media.
Some think censorship will backfire on Establishment-serving Big Media, and it has cost Twitter and Facebook $51 billion. But I very much doubt that the Establishment will give up the control over all explanations that it has achieved. Big Brother is not easy to overcome as Orwell’s 1984 makes clear.
The United States of America, formerly a free country whose citizens were protected from government abuses by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, is today a country indoctrinated by a controlled media serving a ruling elite’s self-serving agendas. Democrats, presstitutes, professors, and celebrities demonstrate vicious hatred toward red state Americans, and open season has been declared on Trump supporters. Many have been fired from their jobs for attending the Trump rally.
By censoring communication, criminalizing the First Amendment, and controlling explanations, the elite are trapping us in a matrix of lies. The willingness of such a large percentage of the population, not only in America but throughout the Western World, to live in a world of lies and be happy is extraordinary.
Peoples whose ancesters created freedom for them have turned their backs on freedom. Instead they enjoy the pleasure of being superior by denouncing white people—which means themselves—as racists and denouncing the President of the United States and his supporters as “enemies of democracy.”
What the entire world needs to understand is that the evidence of electoral fraud–a stolen American Presidential Election–has never been presented except to a few legislators in the swing states. The media have not presented the evidence to the public, have not provided evaluations of the evidence by alternative experts. Instead the media has declared with one voice repeadedly: “There is no evidence.”
No court has looked at the evidence. The courts avoided examining the evidence by refusing the cases on spurious grounds such as lack of standing to bring a case. Yet news sources worldwide report that the courts rejected the evidence. This false reporting is used as evidence that there is no evidence.
No election officials in the swing states where the election was stolen have looked at the evidence, and they will not because the evidence shows how the election was stolen. Moreover, those who stole the election already know that they stole the election. They see their success in Biden’s “victory.” For them, the end justifies the means.
So we have evidence of a stolen election that has been refuted by refusing to look at the evidence and endlessly asserting instead that there is no evidence.
As Giuliani said, every US Attorney knows that an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury is evidence. Giuliani, a former US Attorney, said that he had a thousand affidavits, and the American people never heard about them.
The Establishment’s power to control explanations seems to be approaching total control. The Establishment can block evidence from view. The Establishment can close down all truth-tellers. Parler is alleged to be a violator of “community standards,” which means Parler is violating the Establishment’s controlled explanations.
Cancel culture has no respect for free speech, objective evidence, and democracy, foundations of a free society. Consequently, America is degenerating into totalitarianism.
Links to evidence of electoral fraud:
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai gave presentations. Here is his affidavit of evidence in print form.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains to Arizona legislators that the Dominion Machines Counted Biden Votes as 1.3 Votes and Trump Votes as 0.7 Votes
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the electoral fraud
There is a long list of references to election theft evidence here.
See especially this and this.
More Than 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say. See also this.
Stanford University Expert Hacks Dominion Voting Machines in Real Time Proving Ability to Alter Vote Count
Georgia Election Official Who Scoffed at Election Fraud Evidence Finds that an Out-of-State Woman Used His Address to Vote in Georgia
Court-ordered audit concludes Dominion voting machines were intentionally designed to ‘create systemic fraud’ in Michigan
Testimony from a person of color that white Republican pollwatchers were prohibited from doing their job and were treated like criminals
Video: A Lesson for Whites: Technology & War: About Irans New Stealth fighter
I discuss the military and science technology of the Western World versus the Third World, China, Africa, Iran, Latin-America, etc. I specifically look at the claim, by Iran that it has developed a stealth fighter of its own.