One EXCELLENT thing from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine: KISS GLOBALISM GOODBYE!!! HELLO NATIONALISM!


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Well, Putin’s war is going to hit the world, especially Europe very hard in one area: Economic.

I’ve been looking at this globalist Jewish world, where all kinds of non-White beneficiaries are getting rich and Whites are losing out. I especially HATE the West’s dependence on Jewish Communist China. I would love to see all trade between the West and China ending.

I’ve been looking at many things in this regard and marvelling at how FRAGILE this Jewish Globalist economy is, and wishing it could be BROKEN. The sooner Globalist business can be BROKEN the better. I don’t like where this is going for our civilization. It is making not only the Chinese powerful, but our Black enemies in Africa are benefiting immensely from this. Our racial ENEMIES are growing stronger by the day, in Africa they are breeding and becoming ever more dangerous. And at the ROOT OF IT, is Jewish Globalism. While at the same time they drive Whites out and work to destroy Whites.

I have thought that some poverty and hardship for Whites is better than going with this very evil Jewish Globalism which will ultimately destroy our civilisation. We are a creative and adaptive people and it is better for us to suffer some hardship and adapt, than to continue feeding the Jewish super-billionaires, trillionaire scum.

This economic war … IF IT GOES AHEAD … might be an excellent thing. White Americans need not worry. They will be the least affected. The Europeans will be the hardest hit, but I WANT TO SEE EUROPEANS SNAPPING OUT OF BLOODY LIBERALISM AND RETURNING TO WHAT THEY ARE AN REASSESSING THE WORLD.

If the economic war goes ahead, it could be shocking and it could be a very good thing.

Now for the White Racialists – Here is the BIG WIN: Even the dumbass bloody Liberals will have to admit that NATIONALISM AND HAVING A NATION IS CRITICAL. WE NEED WHITE NATIONS. BETTER STILL WHITES ONLY NATIONS. Hitler was a 100% believer in a NATION STATE and we need WHITE NATION STATES. Globalism is Jewish crap. We need STATES because only a STATE can control it’s borders, protect it’s people AND FIELD AN ARMY. Once you have that you can defeat and destroy ANY RACIAL THREATS. I would much rather see a return to more NATIONALISM in the Jew rat infested West.

An ironic side line, and this is a laugh, is the insane level to which the Third World could collapse as a result of this. Even India is going to be hit like a freaking train – which surprised me. Let the train hit us in South Africa. Oh boy are the BLACKS unprepared for this!!! Hehehehe. But this is good. Let the chaos move forward.

The oil/gas issue can fuel INFLATION… even more… But I’ve warned of this.


If Putin and the West part company fully, this could have good repercussions.Not all of it is bad. I am LOVING seeing Twitter, Facebook, etc thrown out of Russia. I am also loving that Microsoft and others will be LOSING RUSSIAN BUSINESS. That is GOOD. Strangely, this could make the Whites in Russia very angry and make them turn on Putin, but I think Putin will control them. But you never know. I’m not sure if this could cause Putin to eventually LOSE POWER. I don’t know. I think the Americans may have some ideas along those lines.

NOTHING COULD BE A BIGGER DISASTER FOR JEWISH GLOBALISM THAN HIGH OIL PRICES. Because high oil prices will cause insane amounts of damage to international trade. Nothing will DESTROY international trade like high oil prices. Think of all those enormous ships sailing from China. This will DESTROY some of China’s economy. It will hammer the Third World and Africa – which I welcome – because I know Whites in South Africa will be creative and they also think ahead. They’re not dumb retards. Ultimately, the DESTRUCTION of economies OUTSIDE THE WEST is better. In the long run, it will bring the need for industry BACK TO AMERICA, BACK TO EUROPE. Anything that smashes JEWISH GLOBALISM AND IT’S INSANE HOLD ON THE WORLD WILL BE GOOD.

And oil prices can drive people crazy. I can tell you, here in South Africa, it will hit people big time.


Economic independence is a very important thing. It might even be a good thing for Whites in South Africa because suddenly, EUROPE will find that they have a serious problem in obtaining raw materials. Personally, I wish Europe would return to Africa. We Whites need to SEIZE everything we need for our race, which exists in Africa, and South Africa has a LOT of stuff. But so too does Africa south of the equator. Europe suffers from a lack of access to raw materials. And they had built this very fragile link with Russia. Europe’s gas supplies are dependent on Russia. And Europe buys oil from Russia. Europe buys $1 billion of gas and oil from Russia DAILY.

The USA, like Russia, like Canada has EXCESS RAW MATERIALS. The Americans have gathered vast amounts of raw materials including oil, etc. It has no dependency in these areas. But Europe’s biggest strategic problem is a LACK of RAW MATERIALS. Africa is the richest place on Earth for raw materials and Europe was chased out of these by Jewish USSR and Liberals. A very bad thing. Africa also has oil reserves.

Anyway, Putin is struggling to win militarily. Putin has, wisely, prepared his country for sanctions. The Russians are not stupid in that sense.

So with the West threatening to stop buying oil, etc from Russia, Putin is threatening his own sanctions in a big way.

Europe is extremely dependent on Russian gas and oil. Can Europe withstand and survive this? I’m not sure. But even if the Europeans cave, I can tell you that at ALL LEVELS OF EUROPEAN SOCIETY EVERYONE WILL BEGIN THINKING ABOUT THE NEED TO OBTAIN RAW MATERIALS.

I wish Europe would look carefully at Southern Africa, and chunks of Africa. We Whites could seize mineral and energy areas from Blacks with ease. Europe needs extra land that it can get raw materials from. Hitler raised this in his original 25 point plan. He DEMANDED COLONIES FOR GERMANY. I wish Europeans would see Africa as the natural place to expand to. You just need to seize specific areas. That’s all.

There’s oil and gas in Africa. We need COLONISATION 2. This will be win win.

Our brethren in Europe need to be shaken out of their junk liberal thinking that idiotic Jewish America and dumber-than-a-plank Jewish Britain has forced on them. The Europeans have the power to expand and we in Africa must link up with them. We have enormous territories and insane levels of wealth here.

I’m not sure whether the EASTWARD EXPANSION is viable for Europe without ending up in a nuclear war. So I think southward expansion into deeply rich Africa is possible. It’s really quite easy, and Europe used to get a lot out of Africa in the past. It can happen again.

I love these shocks. These shocks will help to break LOTS OF LIBERAL/JEWISH GARBAGE THINKING.

I might not like the Brother War in the Ukraine/Russia, but the ECONOMIC WAR THAT GOES GLOBAL … could be FANTASTIC.

Interestingly, South Africa has oil from coal, which is a German technology invented in WW1. But the idiotic Blacks have let that slide downhill. But it does still exist.

But Africa does have oil and gas and much more – all waiting for Europe!!!

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