Old White Men Communists in the UK who LOVED the old (Jewish) Soviet Union and hated White Racists and the West


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Video: EXCELLENT: Israel: White Politician in Europe says: Jews are given a license to KILL ANYBODY
I think I‘ve seen this White man before. I think he might be Polish. I think he‘s tackled the Jews before.

[This is from a note I sent to someone who sent me a video. Be aware of who George Galloway actually is. Jan]

I wrote:
The Scottish guy interviewing the American is George Galloway. He’s actually a Scottish COMMUNIST. A very deep, determined COMMUNIST. He was one of the most determined supporters of the Soviet Union. He loves Russia and Communism. He also hated South Africa, but he worked with Jews in South Africa. He’s one of the old guard of determined old White communists in the UK who became famous. Christopher Hitchens was another White communist in the UK. He actually did a lot of anti-Christian stuff. He was an atheist and he attacked religion tremendously. But he was very clever and an eloquent speaker. He could also be very funny. He died of cancer a few years ago.

So just be aware that George Galloway is actually a hard core communist who loved the old Soviet Union and he hated all Whites who were "racists".

In South Africa we have a handful of similar idiotic Whites. These are fools who 40 or 50 years ago became DEVOUT Communists who loved the Soviet Union and they worked to destroy Whites and the West.

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Video & Audio: The Military Mystery of why Ukraine Invaded Kursk in Russia
Nobody, not even military experts can explain exactly why the Ukrainians invaded Kursk in Russia. All the reasons that are given are minor and do not in any way really explain why the Army and the Government would throw their best troops into fighting for this Russian area that has no value.

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