North African people: Why do Berbers look vastly different from other indigenous Africans?


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2003: Zim: World Food Program cuts December food for 2.6m Black people
Here‘s proof from an old article of mine that the WFP was feeding millions of Blacks in Zimbabwe after they chased out the White Farmers. Personally I think the Blacks should have been left to starve.

[I was looking into details about the Numidians who were very active at the time of the Romans and Carthage. The modern descendents of the Numidians are Berbers. And like the people of the Middle East, you see a definite European/White mixture in there. Here was a Quora discussion about these people. But look at some of the photos. I think I also came across mention that German tribes who lived in North Africa also intermixed with the Berbers. So many Berbers do have a White look to them, but they are much more deeply mixed actually. Jan]

Here’s the link, and check out the photos as you scroll down:

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Video: How the Church betrayed the Boers and is directly responsible for the White Genocide
This is an absolutely brilliant video that was made in 2017. The Boers were TOTAL believers in the Bible and in Christianity. It had kept them going through the hardships of life in Africa.

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