NASA is Dying: Diversity & other nonsense: NASA at a crossroads: Budget woes, aging infrastructure and hard choices ahead
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The next few years are likely to be pivotal ones for NASA, according to a hard-hitting report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
The report, which was released last month, is called "NASA at a Crossroads: Maintaining Workforce, Infrastructure and Technology Preeminence in the Coming Decades." And that title was chosen advisedly.
"The bottom line of all this, I think, would be to say that, for NASA, this is not a time for business as usual," said Norm Augustine, committee chair and former Lockheed Martin CEO, during a Sept. 10 webinar that detailed the report’s findings.
"The concerns that it faces are ones that have built up over decades," Augustine said. "NASA truly is, in our view, at a crossroads, and that’s why we put that word in the title."
Video: A German Superman: Panzer Commander Hermann Balck
Hermann Balck is the greatest operational commander on the German side in WW2. He achieved unmatched success in battles. His Panzer Division pulled off unbelievable tactical successes.