Napoleon and Putin are similar in their attitudes to Jews
(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).
[A reader posted this interesting comment about Napoleon and Putin. I did not know that Putin grew up in a Jewish foster family! That indeed explains more things about Putin. It is correct that Napoleon was discriminated against when he was young. But he was very careful in how he handled himself, and he learned how to get respect from people. However, when Napoleon was the Emperor and he got complaints about the Jews he set out to solve problems and that is when he discovered what scum the Jews were and as I've explained in videos, that Napoleon tried to deal with all the Jews of Europe in the hope of solving the problem, when he realised what liars they were, and hence Napoleon later said: A Jew is guilty until proven innocent. He also then issued the "infamous decrees" (Jewish screeching!), which tried to rectify some of the Jewish problems. If anyone has more info on Puting growing up among Jews – that is of interest to me. I never knew this. But this explains a lot. Jan]
Here is what my reader wrote:
Napoleon’s attitude for the Jews is very similar to Putin’s attitude to the Jews. With Napoleon, he frequently experienced discrimination in the early days of his career, since he was Corsican and not truly "French" as the mainlanders. He saw in Jews kindred spirits but at the same time demands them to "Be French" just like himself. Putin is waist deep in this sentiment in the way that he grew up in a Jewish foster family, and thinks now that he’s the president, he should do something to ‘repay’ the warmth the community has given him when he was young.
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