My White-Shop: Customer gives feedback & explains why he can’t buy…


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2007: US Generals too afraid to fight Iran Generals Threaten to Quit
Here is a very important story from my old AfricanCrisis archive. This shows you how unhappy American Generals were about attacking Iran. I bet that it‘s still very similar. They know it‘s too difficult.

[I've noticed that my prices are too excessive, but feedback and suggestions from customers is also welcome. If you don't talk to me, I won't know. Jan]

This relates to my experimental, whites-only, Jew-free shop:

A South African wrote to me about why he can’t buy from my shop. Then I replied as follows:-

My shop is still experimental. The prices in dollars are too high for many Americans as well and I need to make improvements with time.

There are a few products that have potential.

Feel free to suggest to me items or products you would be interested in buying from my shop, because maybe I can stock something that others will like. Rather than guessing what others would buy, I would rather suggest you telling me what would interest you. e.g. t-shirts, books, posters, flags, etc, etc.

I do want to build up some stuff for sale in SA, but I would need some suggestions.

So feel free to make suggestions for products or features that would interest you. This is going to be a long, slow process, but its the only way forward.

I am well aware of the Rand/Dollar exchange rates. It is a problem and it will get worse.

I suspect the shop needs a South African side and an international side. The current items being the "International side".

It’s been a mission and a half even getting the bit of my shop up that I have.

But I need support from folks, as well as ideas.

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Video: Hitlers Women: A Quick Overview of some of his LOVE interests!
In this video I want to quickly show people some of the beautiful women that Adolf Hitler either had as girlfriends or he had sex with them or some kind of love interest in them. Im looking at women prior to Eva.

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