My Note to an American: If America had no Jews – Whites would be a happy family…


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S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.

[This is from an email reply I wrote to a supporter. Jan]

I did look and browsed the photos. It’s very beautiful. There are many beautiful and amazing things in America. Every time, of the 2 times I went, I saw plenty that to you folks is normal, and which amazes me. You have such a wonderful country. It amazes me that Jews have managed to screw with your heads like they have. Without Jews, you’d just be a huge happy White family with a continent to yourself.

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S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.

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