My Note to a Boer: White Americans are losing more and more control of their own society


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Video: WW2: The horrific story of The Blitz Lie and how British weapons killed British civilians
This is a British guy who is making these accurate videos telling the horrific truth about The Blitz.

[A Boer wrote and said to me he's amazed at how Americans are changing. Jan]

I replied:
Hi David, quick note: you say it’s amazing how Americans have changed – I assure you this is Jewry at work using their massive media power. Jews own most of Hollywood and much of the main media. And the things they don’t own directly are owned by White Liberals who are their pals. Jews pump out an insane amount of propaganda everywhere. Do you know Der Spiegel, the main German news organisation is owned by Jews. I’m sure I saw that some years ago. In Sweden, I learned the other day, that a Jewish family owns the main media organisation in Sweden. The New York Times, which is extremely influential has been owned by a Jewish family through all it’s existence. Most of the main ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS in SA were owned directly or indirectly by the Oppenheimers. In South Africa, I see "English" as being about 80% Jewish. In SA the Jews and English are very closely intertwined. But if you speak to Americans as I’ve done, you’ll see the horror of how Jewish power began to get a grip on the American mind. This really started with Hollywood. Hollywood is almost completely JEWISH. Metro-Goldwyn Meyer – a famous old movie name from the past. Jewish. There was a WAR between WHITE EUROPEANS in the Movie Industry and Jews. Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb also invented (with someone else) the Kinescope. I think Jews stole his Kinescope and fled to California to evade the law. I think that is how this started. That is why California became the home of Hollywood. I have a whole documentary on this. Jews have in recent centuries focused more and more energy on the MEDIA across the West. Jews have changed America massively. The biggest fight they won which went against us in Africa was what is known as "Civil Rights". That was basically the empowerment of Blacks. Segregation was killed in America in the 1950s. White Americans have been losing control of their society despite being the Majority. Jews are everywhere now. They literally own Yale University. And Jews spread JEWISH THINKING… they are indoctrinating people on a massive scale. It’s ENORMOUS. White Americans are LOSING CONTROL MORE AND MORE OF EVERY ASPECT OF THE USA. THIS IS A FACT. It’s very bad DESPITE THEM BEING THE MAJORITY.

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Video: 50 Years of Race War in southern Africa presented by Jan in Canada
This lecture is JAM PACKED with tons of facts about us Whites in southern Africa and the wars we fought against Black Communists and AGAINST BLACK RULE. We did NOT want to be ruled by Blacks.In this lecture, I show photos and also videos about many of the key things that happened between us and the Blacks. This is primarily a presentation of how we fought wars over decades, even though there were only a few of us.

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