My Important note to American re: 2024 Election and Trump and Israel – My Concern over White Americans losing…
New Nation News
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This is a note I wrote to an American about the Trump and Israel connection:
I’m delighted you found it of use. I was not going to let the 2024 US election go by without pointing out the mega-rigging of the last one. I’m concerned that White Americans might be losing more and more control of their own politics despite being a majority. We will know in the next 24 hours. I’ll look at this article later as I have a lot to do. I noticed Trump disgustingly licking Jewish feet. It really disgusted me. I HATED when Trump said antisemites should be EXECUTED. That is the most insane thing that ever came out of his mouth. But I wonder how serious he is. He seems to be a slave to Israel which makes me want to puke. But, he does represent White America. No sane person wants that stupid retarded moron who can hardly speak a proper sentence by herself. Kamala Harris would a new low that is even lower than Obama. However, Jews, being the demented swines that they are would love her in there because it just shatters the mould of America as a nation run by White males. For them Obama was a huge move and they raised almost $1 billion for that fake American the mixed race half Jew Obama. Whatever happens between Trump and Jews and Israel, I’m not convinced that the Jews in general would like to see Trump winning. No matter how much he licks their boots, Trump represents many things Jews don’t like. He’s a White male for starters. That’s a huge no no for them. They want a mixed race country and they want to show and cow Americans into believing this is the only future for them. I think that would take priority over Jew killing everyone for Israel. I think, at best, Jewish support from Trump would be luke warm despite him lowering himself to such a degree. I am very suspicious of this election already. I want to see what happens and what stories come out of this. American elections, are becoming much more like African elections. And the Presidential elections, because of their importance, are looking weirder and weirder to me. I first began questioning American elections when Clinton and Ross Perot ran. I liked Ross Perot. I think Ross Perot would have been better for America than Trump. Perot would have won. I was horrified when Bill Clinton won. Ever since then I’ve watched American elections and to me it’s just going downhill and looking weirder and weirder. In the next day or two we’ll know a lot of new stuff. I’m waiting to see what kind of shit is coming out. THE CONSERVATIVES ALWAYS ARE TOO WEAK. WHITE CONSERVATIVES EVERYWHERE ARE ALWAYS TOO WEAK. THEY PLAY BY THE RULES AND THEY LOSE EASILY. Trump is not a conservative. I don’t feel comfortable for White Americans. I am concerned that you folks are being screwed over again inside your own system despite being a majority. I find it unsettling. It should not be happening. You guys are in a perfect position to win and retake your country and if it’s not happening then things are VERY VERY WRONG. But you can win. You need to learn to fight back in this dirty dirty world. Ditto for Whites in South Africa and everywhere. We cannot let all kinds of silly tricksters and liars seize political control and retain control of our civilisation. These people are NOT INVINCIBLE. They’re scum and garbage and need to be taken on and defeated.
Video & Audio: Race War: Boers Vs Zulus: The Battle of Blood River
16th December is the single most important day of the year for the Whites of South Africa, especially the Boers. It commemorates a fascinating day wherein the Christians believe they struck a deal with God and that God came through for them.