Mozambique: War between Black Muslims & Black Communists: Rwandan and Mozambican troops continue to flush out insurgents


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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
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[I'm following this closely. Jan]

Soldiers from Rwanda and Mozambique continue to flush out Ansar sunna Wa Jammah (ASWJ) insurgents in Cabo Delgado province, and have captured new hideouts west of Palma.

The Rwandan Ministry of Defence on 14 February announced that several new terrorist hideouts were captured by joint forces in Nhica do Ruvuma and Pundanhar general areas west of Palma District.

The insurgents fled the new positions towards Muidube District inside the SAMIM (Southern African Development Community Mission in Mozambique) designated sectors of responsibility.

In most recent operations against the insurgents, 17 civilians were rescued from insurgents on-the-run. Among the rescued were women and children while two terrorists were captured and two insurgents armed with light weapons were killed in the ambush.

The Task Force Battle Group Commander, Brigadier Gen P Muhizi, visited the Mozambican troops in Nhica do Ruvuma and Rwanda security forces in Pundanhar and congratulated them for the work done. He informed them that the ASWJ insurgents were seriously weakened by the joint forces actions but cautioned them to remain vigilant at all times.


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