Modern American, Canadian and European NAZIS – My Observations
Zimbabwe: Blast from the Past: 2001: Driving out White Farmers: 21 White Farmers in jail
This is from the time the Blacks were driving Whites off their farms in Zimbabwe.
I have been watching and thinking about the Whites who are MODERN NAZIS. Americans especially come in many shades. Some people in the White Right have complained about the Whites who become NAZIS.
When I look at how Whites are behaving, as well as the types of Whites who become NAZIS, it is something I find interesting. I ponder these Whites and what motivates and drives them. I also watch what they do.
People are hard to PREDICT. Hard to predict … but not IMPOSSIBLE to predict.
When I look at our people who come out and stand with the Germans, I do see a few patterns.
I am quite happy with the kinds of Whites who become NAZIS and racists. I see them behaving in ways I also never could predict or imagine.
I am happy with what I see. I think we can definitely get a lot done. I have been very surprised at the type of DETERMINATION shown by some of our people.
It definitely adds to my observations that we Whites are NOT FINISHED.
When I look at the Jews’ allies, which include academics as well as White Traitors, I see quite a lot of scum and weaklings on their side.
I am even positively surprised and amazed by what White men and women do on our side. It shows me a side of the White character that I knew was hidden inside of us. I am even amazed sometimes by what I see.
I think we’re good to go. There’s nothing wrong with us.
Die Boere Staat Party - Kontak Ons
Hierdie is die Kontak ons-bladsy vir die Boere Staatsparty.