Meme: The Various Types of White Traitors
Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.
[There are many comments I could make about this, but there are topics to discuss later. What I want to mention is that the highest level traitors are not mentioned. The focus here is only the “low level” common White traitors, while the BIG TIME, people at the top who actually pull the strings and sink the countries are not mentioned. Your Biden and Globalist/Communist/Diversity/Liberal types who have ACTUAL POWER and who actually torpedo the country. These are the big time traitors. You’ll looking at the common, ordinary folk, some of whom are just pathetically doing their jobs. We could easily win, if these were the only traitors we faced. The real problem are the high level ones with POWER, who can put you in jail, or take your freedoms away, and who create the legislation or other rules that stop you dead in your tracks. The Bidens, the Trudeaus and all the ones in many positions below them. These are the people with the raw power to destroy you and they do. And among these are Freemasons and all kinds of secret society people and communists. They are even outright traitors to their nation. e.g. Biden supporting China. So don’t beat up on the common, small person when the BIG FISH are busy kicking everyone in the teeth every day. There are lots of them, including rich business people who would happily sell out your country for a few pennies in their bank. Among those listed here, I see “The Capitalist” as being among the worst. These are the people who happily FIRE YOU too so they can carry on trading with Jews and non-Whites. These are the real scum. Jan]
STORMFRONT: A VERY DETAILED HISTORY OF THE JEWS - including Quotes from the Talmud
This is an excellent read, with LOTS of QUOTES.