Meme: Pic: Joke: Thank GOD we saved the West from Hitler! – My Comments


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Video: Hitlers Elite: The Laws of the SS Order
We study the first translation of a NATIONAL SOCIALIST book on the laws of the SS order. We discover the wonderful values these People were taught. This is nothing at all like the lies the Liberals and others have told us about the NATIONAL SOCIALISTs.

[This is one of those memes that I just can’t get enough of. Any time anyone finds more of these, I’ll put them up. These are so fantastic. If you look at the Jewish filth and degeneracy unleashed upon the world, and then you compare this world to what Hitler was trying to do, there is just NO COMPARISON. It’s like the retarded Jewish-Island of Britain where they say: “At least we’re not speaking German!” FFS. Bunch of morons. But EVERYONE is going to face their own devils in their own back yard, as the home of the Jews, Britain, is going to do too with all their immigration. Jan]

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White Shop: Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual Paperback
The Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual is a significant historical look at the small unit tactics employed by this elite unit during the Rhodesian Bush War. Not only is it a glimpse back at how the unit operated, but a lot of the material is still relevant today for units fighting counter-insurgencies. This book covers tactical follow-ups, ambush tactics, infiltration methods and combat tracking and more!

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