MEDICALLY UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT: Biden’s notes read ‘YOU enter the Roosevelt Room,’ ‘YOU take YOUR seat’
Total and daily combat losses of Russia in Ukraine
This page shows the total losses by the Russians daily, for personnel as well as all types of equipment. e.g. Tanks, Artillery, Planes, Helicopters, APVs, etc.
[My understanding is that as far back as Roosevelt in WW2, that a US President must be medically fit. Roosevelt, who worked with Jews, hid the fact that he could not walk, from the public. But, apparently a US President must be medically fit to be in office. This stuff alone shows that the ass-hole Biden clearly is NOT MEDICALLY FIT. But if Jews and Liberals want him in office … hey … they break the bloody laws and rules of the country as they see fit. I don't buy the lie that this is a "long standing practice in the White House". Sounds like a bunch of claptrap. Jan]
Photos taken at a White House meeting with cabinet members show specific directions listed for President Biden.
On Thursday, Biden made remarks during a "Meeting on Federal State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership" where he had a binder with talking points and was handed a chart showing how tall the offshore wind turbines being discussed are compared to landmarks like the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower.
Later on, he held up a separate note card and was reading from one side of it.
However, the other side of the note card facing the cameras had a list of directions for the president.
"YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants," the first bullet point read. "YOU take YOUR seat."
After a bullet point that said, "Press enters," the next one read, "YOU give brief comments," with a parenthetical statement reading, "2 minutes." Biden ended up speaking for roughly eight minutes.
Once when the "Press departs," Biden was then told, "YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question," with a note that Shuler was "joining virtually."
The final bullet points read, "YOU thank participants" and "YOU depart."
A White House official tells Fox News that this is a very standard format used by politicians and government officials at public events.
Hannah Hankins, a former White House communications official for then-President Barack Obama told Fox News he too used a similar format of notes during his presidency.
This is not the first time Biden’s notes have gone viral. In March, he was seen holding a card reading, "Tough Putin Q&A Talking Points" during a news briefing about the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
During an event last July, the president was handed a note reading, "Sir, there is something on your chin."
Biden is not the first president to have notes draw media attention. In 2018, President Donald Trump was seen holding handwritten notes which included prepared responses like "I hear you" during a listening session at the White House with families of Parkland victims following the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Trump also had handwritten notes go viral that read, "I want no quid pro quo," during his first impeachment trial in 2019.
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. This is a very important website and organisation in Canada run by Paul Fromm, whom I know personally. He used to work with the late great Ernst Zundel when the Jews tried to destroy him. Paul Fromm does an incredible amount of work and he‘s the most rock solid fighter for White Freedom and Truth in Canada.