Matt Hale’s Take on the situation in Ukraine – Ben Klassen – White Brother Wars, Race Wars
Video: Re-Release: Rhodesia: I was there - Alex Linder Interviewed Jan
Life in Africa during a Rebellion against Britain! Alex interviews Jan about his life growing up in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush war which took place after Prime Minister Ian Smith declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) from Britain in 1965.
[Just in from Matt. My real interest in Ukraine is battle and strategy and tactics. I'm not going to go into the right and wrong of this. I'm interested in the military lessons for Whites, especially, a White Militia army. This has usefulness for future race wars. Below is Matt's take on the fact that Whites are killing Whites, which is never good. We must function as a single Racial Entity. We need a White Empire, a European Empire, that is our race only. That is what Ben Klassen would have wanted and what he believed in and what I believe in. Jan]
Hi Supporters,
Matt asked me to tell you all briefly his stance on the ongoing events in Ukraine:
He says that he is strongly opposed to and is worried about what is now the latest fratricidal war. He laments that Whites have once again been goaded into killing each other. He does not support Putin’s actions.
White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS shirt
Ersatzkommando der Waffen SS (literally translates to Replacement Command of the Waffen SS), the 1943 Belgian World War II recruitment poster created by the National Socialist German occupying forces, and featuring Bertau art of a giant SS symbol literally slaying a Liberal/Bolshevik red dragon.