Video & Audio: What is a Jew? Are Jews a Religion or a Race or both?
When one is trying to educate other Whites about Jews, you get people turning around and saying that Jews are only a religion. But others think that Jews might be a race. In this video I discuss the confusion relating to Jews when one speaks to other Whites.
[You can send an email to: branden.hall Jan]
Friends and Supporters: Send me a $25.00 donation and I will order Matt’s "Ending White Slavery" and "The Racial Loyalist Manifesto" from the printer and sent directly to you. Also, I still have many Klassen books. For a $35.00 donation, I will send you three "sought after" Klassen books:
All Ben Klassen books are the original print and new!
Building a Whiter Brighter World
The White Man’s Bible
Nature’s Eternal Religion
On the Brink of a Racial Bloody War
Against the Evil Tide
Expanding Creativity
Salubrious Living
Little White Book
Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs
Revolution of Values Through Religion
Klassen Letters Vol 1
Klassen Letters Vol 2
Send your donation to me at this address:
Evelyn Hutcheson
150 Yordy Road
Apt. 301
Morton, IL 61550
Video: Nordic Resistance No 224: The Great Hope, PW Botha, Hutterites
This is a positive, upbeat show where Nordic Resistance interviewed me about some of my videos. We also discuss my video about the European Race being immortal as well as my contact with former President PW Botha and what he told me.