Map: 40% of the World’s dogs come from: Britain, France & Germany – The White Race’s invention & genetic experiment with Dogs (formerly Wolves)
White Shop: Poster of Hitler at a victory parade review
A colour photograph of Hitler taking part in a victory parade review. Reproduced on 100z vinyl so suitable for use outdoors as well as indoors.
[When they say: Dogs are man’s best friend, they really should say: White man’s best friend. Dogs are the most successful genetic experiment of the White race. But we have experimented massively with other animals: horses, cattle, cats, etc. We are the Gods of genetic experimentation. Yet, we never apply the logic of this to ourselves. Dogs, horses and cattle are the most insanely successful genetic experiment of all time. We bred animals to be our slaves and our food. Originally, with horses, we used to eat them. Later we learned how to make them pull chariots and later still we turned them into a mode of transport. All of these are amazing successes. Dogs and horses have done so much for us, and we in turn have a linkage to them. I have wondered, if, using future science, if we can do more with these animals and others. Perhaps even sea creatures. I know the US Navy has experimented with using animals. I love the idea of using animals, and modifying them in many ways for future use. I remain fascinated by Roman war dogs and the use of dogs in warfare. But, horses, I must tell you, have served us to an insane degree. No animal has died for us, and served us so loyally as the horse. I’m not really a horsey person, but I must tell you, I take my hat off to the horse. Cattle of course have been merely walking food for us. Jan]
Dogs were the first domesticated animals. They have accompanied humans for about 30,000 years. Scientists generally acknowledge that all dogs share a common wolf ancestor. Nowadays, humans have bred hundreds of various domestic dog breeds. The maps below show dogs of the world and their nations of origin.
This map below resized nations according to the dog breeds that originate from them. Look at the European dominance, especially Britain, France and Germany.
Video: Keeping Whites DOWN: Scientific & Historic FACTS that have to be HIDDEN from Whites
This is a very important video that I put a tremendous amount of effort into. I wanted to summarize scientific and historic facts from 40,000 Years of the history of the European (White) race. This is the story of where we come from and how we came to be what we are, and why we are awesome. We look at thousands of years of the effort of our ancestors.