LOCKDOWN PROTESTS: Pennsylvania Militia warn state of reopen business! – Protests Surge Against Newsom’s ‘Stay-At-Home’ Orders


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INCREDIBLE: Time Magazine admits & boasts about How the US Presidential Election was STOLEN!!!
This is the incredible story they published shortly after the election which names and gives details of the Jew who actually stole the US Presidential Election of 2020. The Jew Michael Avram Podhorzer is the real scumbag who specialises in stealing elections. He was the only one with the money and trade union backing to pull this off.

[I'm liking what I'm seeing and I love this Militia truck pitching up. The rise of the white male… EXCELLENT. Stand up for America and defend it. All whites MUST SEIZE THEIR COUNTRIES BACK! Jan]

After Monday’s anti-quarantine protests at the California State Capitol building and across many other cities in the state, California’s Highway Patrol (CHP) will no longer grant permits to demonstrators on state property, reported The Sacramento Bee.

"Permits are issued to provide safe environments for demonstrators to express their views," the CHP said in a statement. "In this case, the permit for the convoy was issued with the understanding that the protest would be conducted in a manner consistent with the state’s public health guidance."

The decision to ban future protests on state property was in the public safety and health interests of all Californians, the CHP said, adding that it wasn’t pleased with protesters who neglected to follow Governor Gavin Newsom’s social distancing rules:

"…CHP will take this experience into account when considering permits for this or any other group."

Protests in California were held at the capitol building in downtown Sacramento and other cities. It was a continuation of anti-lockdown demonstrations that first started in Lansing, Michigan, last Thursday, demanding Governor Gretchen Whitmer to reopen the economy.

We noted over the weekend that protests in Oregon, Idaho, Minnesota, Michigan, Florida, Virginia, and Maryland, collectively drew thousands of people demanding state governments reopen their economies.

Then on Monday, a military truck with the "Pennsylvania Militia" rolled up to the Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, demanding the state government reopen the economy.

All of these protests, including the ones in California, have been dubbed "Operation Gridlock."

While some claim the Lansing protest last week were of "grassroots" origins, it appears the demonstrations were "funded in large part by the DeVos family," Whitmer said while referring to Betsy DeVos, secretary of the US Department of Education.

Footage from Monday’s protest in California shows pro-Trump crowds not abiding by social distancing rules nor wearing protective masks to mitigate the virus spread. That is what angered CHP:

Alex Salvi@alexsalvinews

San Diego protest of California lockdown orders across the state. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1RDGlQqLaENJL …

San Diego protest of California lockdown orders across the state.

Alex Salvi @alexsalvinews

10:55 PM – Apr 18, 2020 · San Diego, CA
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KRON4 News

PROTEST UNDERWAY: Massive crowd gathers at California’s state capitol to protest Gov. Newsom’s stay-at-home order.

Updates: http://bit.ly/3aqimm7

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11:12 PM – Apr 20, 2020
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Josh Campbell

Scenes from the recent Southern California protest against government efforts to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

Much of what we saw — no social distancing, lack of face covering, congregating with strangers — runs counter to current guidance by public health experts.

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5:22 PM – Apr 19, 2020
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Vicki Gonzalez@VickiGonzaleztv

NOW: Protest at California State Capitol against #COVID19 #StayHome order. CHP permit to organize is for 500 people @kcranews

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9:06 PM – Apr 20, 2020 · Sacramento, CA
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Newsom told residents on Saturday that he won’t be swayed by protests in across the state:

"We are going to do the right thing, not judge by politics, not judge by protests, but by science," Newsom told the Los Angeles Times.

The Californian ban of protests on state property will certainly outrage Republicans who feel their freedoms have been evaporated under mass quarantines. All of this is creating an environment for social unrest as warmer weather trends are ahead.

Source: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/california-bans-gatherings-state-properties-after-protests-surge-against-newsoms-stay

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