Lessons from the Trumpistan Coup
German books about Jews, Hitler & NAZIS
There are a lot of books on this website and some seem to be very new. They are openly discussing the Jews, Hitler, the SS, etc.
January 12, 2021/74 Comments/in Featured Articles/by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.
Now that we’ve had the luxury of a few days to digest things, let’s take a look at the January 6th “event” in Washington and see what we can reasonably and logically conclude. There is much that we don’t know, much that we can’t know, and yet much that is certain, or nearly so. We need to take a moment to do some clear-headed and skeptical thinking about this whole event, to remain on solid footing, and to muster the courage to take the necessary subsequent actions. The end result will be perhaps less ‘conspiratorial’ than some might hope for, and yet my conclusion, I think, will be more firmly justified than ever.
Let’s start with the “apparent reality.” By all appearances, January 6 was a day of diverse protests, all of which focused on the election certification by Congress. Authorities evidently planned for several hundred thousand people at various venues, representing related movements. The semi-official “March to Save America” was joined by marches from other organizations like Women for America First, Stop the Steal, and (we are told) a number of renegade groups like The Proud Boys. Around noon, “several thousand people” gathered at the Trump rally, which was then transformed into a mass protest action aimed directly at Congress. By 1:15 pm, people had started to collect around the Capitol building. Around 1:45, the first small group broke through the crowd-control fencing and were at the doors to the building. This was, coincidentally, just about the time that the legislators had convened, in both the House and Senate, to begin their 2-hour debate on the objection to the Arizona delegate count. By 2:30, Capitol police had begun to lock-down the building, and were warning congressmen and staffers to evacuate or shelter in place. Within five minutes, protestors were in both the Rotunda (underneath the big dome) and in Statuary Hall, to the south; both areas, incidentally, are formally public spaces. (The House chamber in the left wing, and the Senate chamber, in the right wing, are not public.)
Then things got ugly. Around 3:15, Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed, evidently by a security guard. Congressional offices were broken into and ransacked. Protestors reached the entrances to the House and Senate chambers and were confronted by gun-wielding security men, barricaded on the inside. Eventually some managed to actually enter the Senate chamber. By 3:45, the Virginia National Guard were mobilized and on their way. At 4:30, Trump issued his “we love you, go home” video on Twitter. But by 5 pm, most of the excitement was over, and crowds began to disperse. Most walked quietly out of the building; security cameras showed a few dozen subdued and sheepish-looking individuals making their way out, like a bunch of school kids heading back to their buses. The building was more or less secure by 5:45 pm, and both Houses of Congress were able to resume work by 8 pm. All in a day’s work.
Later we got the damage assessment: five people dead, including the unfortunate Ms. Babbitt. A security guard died after getting hit on the head by a pipe or fire extinguisher. And three others died from “separate medical emergencies” apparently unrelated to the event. Damage in and to the building was remarkably slight, especially for an “insurrection”—some windows broken, some offices ransacked, and a few minor items stolen.
The protest thus ended on a surprisingly calm note. As I said, most people just calmly walked away, including many of those who “breached” the Capitol. Most were gone by 5:30 or 6:00 when the building was finally secured by the late-arriving law enforcement. Police and national guardsmen experienced little to no conflict, engaged in no shoot-outs, made no mass arrests, and put out no fires. The relatively calm and peaceful description accords well with firsthand witnesses like Cat McGuire, who reported on “a polite, well-mannered crowd.” Notably, she said, “I did not see a single visible weapon the entire time,” which aligns with my initial thoughts watching the event live on television. Those who crashed the doors of the Capitol constituted “a relatively extremely small number” of people, many of whom, she conjectured, were “Antifa” types, serving as “agents provocateur” to cause trouble and give pro-Trump people, and Trump himself, a bad name.
And yet, our fine and objective media told a different story. There was no ‘Antifa’ there at all, they said. The crowd was an enraged White mob, directly incited by Trump, and hell-bent on death and destruction. The event was, variously, a “coup,” an “insurrection,” or at minimum, “a riot.” Protesters were “right-wing extremists” and even “domestic terrorists” who were attacking “the very basis of American democracy.” Incredibly, they were also “anti-Semites” who “promoted the Holocaust.” The Times of Israel informs us that “Holocaust-denying neo-Nazis [were] among the Trump supporters who stormed US Capitol.”[1] CNN tells us that “the warning signs were clear: online posts from hate groups and right-wing provocateurs agitating for civil war, the deaths of top lawmakers and attacks on law enforcement.” We also read that “the riot” was “even more violent than it first appeared.” Indeed, “it could have been a massacre”—could have, but wasn’t. Not even close.
A Dose of Reality
So what really was going on there? We are immediately faced with multiple problems. For the vast majority of us watching live, all information arrived filtered through the mass media. The filters work differently depending on whether you watch MSNBC or Fox, but the filters are there all the same. And we are stuck with them. The only alternative would have been spontaneous reports from handheld protestor cellphones uploaded to social media; but at best, these portrayed a highly limited vantage point, from single individuals, who could not possibly have known what else was happening. All that the typical viewer could see was relatively disconnected video clips and photos from outside and inside the building. Who those people really were, and what their motives were, remain unknown.
Were there ‘Antifa’ members in the crowd? Hard to say, if only because we really have no good idea who or what ‘Antifa’ is. If we loosely define them as hardcore liberal leftists willing to engage in violence, then yes, it is highly likely that some such types were in the crowd. But precisely how many, among the thousands, and what precisely they did, we will never know.
Was it an attempted coup? The Atlantic certainly thinks so (see “This is a coup.”) Was it an insurrection? Do our simple-minded mass media personalities even know what they are talking about? A ‘coup’ and an ‘insurrection’ are effectively synonymous, and are essentially equivalent to ‘rebellion’ and even ‘revolution’—all imply the violent overthrow of an existing government.[2] Is that what happened on January 6? Hardly. Not even close.
Even a modicum of common sense tells us that this was no ‘coup,’ no ‘insurrection.’ The mob did not, and certainly could never have, dreamed of “overthrowing” anything, let alone the US government. There was precisely zero chance of that happening, even if thousands of gun-totting militants managed to take the building. They would have been talked out, starved out, or gassed out. In the end, it would have been a suicide mission. Only the most deluded idiot could ever have thought that he was going to Washington to “take over” the government.
So what was it? From all accounts, it was, by and large, a rowdy mass pro-Trump rally that got further out of hand than most expected. From everything I’ve seen so far, it was a mass protest—nothing more. Partly planned, partly unplanned, but a mass protest nonetheless.
Mass protests generally have two distinct but intertwined goals: 1) to “make a statement,” and 2) to inflict a cost. To state the obvious, mass protests occur because a group of people are unhappy about something, and they want something to change. Change only occurs, in a large bureaucratic nation like ours, if a loud “message” is conveyed, or if the price of non-change becomes too high. If thousands of Trump voters are mad as hell because they believe the election was stolen, and if they want to protest, they can either make their message heard and then hope for the best (not much hope there), or they can attempt to punish the thieves—that is, make them incur some cost for their malfeasance.
What did the mob achieve on Wednesday? We already knew their message—Trump won the election, and it was stolen. We know they have support across the country; even our biased media admit to some 74 million Trump voters, of whom 70% to 80% (depending on the poll) think the election was stolen. But then what? “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it.” And then what? The message is impotent. It has no consequence.
If ‘the message’ was doomed to impotence, inflicting ‘a cost’ was much more tangible, and much more achievable. By forcing their way into the Capitol building, a motivated and reasonably prepared mob could have caused tremendous damage. If—and I stress the conditional here—if they wanted to inflict damage, they had a golden opportunity. They had guns, presumably hidden, and far outnumbered the handful of guards. Any firefight would have been over quickly, with the mob victorious. Security guards, staffers, even congressmen would have been easy prey, for kidnapping, injury, or worse. But this did not happen.
What about physical damage? The Capitol building is ripe for destruction. It is the beating heart of the Washington swamp, the symbol of all that is failed and corrupt about America. Just imagine the destruction that could have been wrought by a mob run amok. Fires alone could have caused massive damage. Instead of putting his feet up on Pelosi’s desk and stealing her letterhead, Richard Barnett could have burned it to ashes. But he preferred to scrawl a message for her, leave a quarter, and walk home; what a peaceful fellow. Imagine the impact if multiple office fires had been set, all at once. Smoke would have been pouring out of windows all around the building; now that would have been an image for the ages. Firefighters would never have been able to reach the building, and the damage would have been immense. Imagine if the actual House or Senate chambers had been torched. That would have been a real cost, and a real message. Instead, a couple of windows were broken; and legislators were back in those very rooms just three hours later, to resume “the peoples’ work.”
Therefore, no one—not the pro-Trumpers, not the hidden provocateurs—planned any real damage, or to inflict any real cost. No one seriously contemplated it, no one planned it, and no one executed it. This much is obvious. The question is, why? Was it all for show? Were protestors “invited” inside, with authorities being quite confident that no real damage would occur? But the show alone would be sufficient for those in power—sufficient to play it up as a ‘coup’ and ‘insurrection,’ and to further punish Trump and his mostly White followers.
Notice how congressmen, left and right, responded to the event. All were indignant. All were outraged. All condemned the “senseless violence” of the crazed mob and the “attempted overthrow” of American democracy. All of them: left, right, and center; Democrat and Republican; Trump supporter or not. All of them condemned it.
Again: Why? The answer here is clear: All congressmen, of all stripes, have a vested interest in sustaining the system, more or less in its current form. This is obvious. They are all ‘winners’ in the system. It has made them all rich, famous, and powerful. Yes, they fight for relative power and relative influence, but this is largely a sham. The Republican-Democrat battles are only there to give the impression of real competition. Instead, in reality, we have a deep and radical monopoly—a monopoly of pro-corporate, pro-capitalist, pro-war, pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish individuals. On these things, they all agree. I’ve been saying as much for many years: We should focus not on what divides the two parties, but on what unites them. This is far more revealing.
The Secession Option
Thus we see that the whole pretext for the protest was misconceived, and doomed to failure. The die-hard Trump followers are largely self-deluded. Trump was never really on their side, and could never be their savior. He was never going to really help middle-class families or the working man. At best, he would slightly delay the impending decay and collapse of the nation. But he did it in such an appalling and incompetent manner, that it became a true farce. He hired the most buffoonish and moronic aides imaginable—Rick Perry, Bill Barr, Mike Pompeo, Sonny Perdue, Betsy DeVos…bad jokes, at best. And his many Jewish aides and confidantes, and his many concessions to Jewish and Israeli interests, betrayed his real concerns as president.
More than anything, Trump was a symbol: a symbol of resistance, of defiance, and of an ‘in your face’ attitude. But nothing more. The Trump presidency was all show, no substance. It was, and is, hardly worth dying over.
We have better options. But we need to wake up to the cold, hard truth. Here it is: this nation is finished. It’s done, over, functionally dead. It operates on sheer momentum. I pity those who think they can “save America.” I pity folks like Ms. McGuire, in her noble but hopelessly naïve fixation on America, the Constitution, and patriotism. These are all misplaced. America was doomed from the start, with its foolish emphasis on a fictional ‘human equality’ and its early importation of thousands of Black Africans. And then allow millions of European Jews to flood in between 1880 and 1920, and you are done—period. A vast virgin landscape and a fortuitous turn of global events allowed us to become a “superpower” by the late twentieth century, but this offered no real protection from our internal decay. It just made us more dangerous.
Anyone out there today who is waving a US flag, or face-painted red, white, and blue, or wearing a MAGA hat, is a fool or a dupe. They are serving and sustaining a corrupt system. They are agents of their own decline. They have no conception of the reality of the government they are so dedicated to. The system cannot be reformed, it cannot be fixed, and it cannot be resuscitated. Any defense or loyalty to the system is guaranteed to be in vain.
But this does not mean all is lost. Far from it. People of good will, people who love ‘America,’ people who still value freedom and liberty—they have options. Or rather, they have one viable option: secession. The multiracial American ‘nation’ of 330 million is finished, but millions can still have some semblance of a sane and rational government, one that truly serves their interests; but it can only come by breaking away, leaving the corrupt morass of Washington, and striking out independently. There simply is no other feasible option. To continue to live in the current political environment, with its now-likely permanent radical leftist and anti-White orientation, is to surrender one’s future, and that of your children and grandchildren. It need not be so.
As I recently argued, there is indeed a strong moral and political case for secession today. The 24 continental red states form a contiguous block, and could in principle secede en masse. Large red-county chunks of adjoining states could join in as well. But pragmatically, it would be best for individual states to break away first, beginning with the border states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Montana, Idaho, and North Dakota. If Florida could jettison its Jew-heavy Dade county around Miami, it would become deep red and could easily secede.
Then consider the battleground states up north. Despite being classified as a blue state, Michigan makes a perfect case study for secession. It was closely-divided, with Biden winning by just 150,000 votes; the outcome was tipped by Democrat-voting Blacks in the Detroit area. Detroit’s Wayne County saw an excess of 330,000 votes for Biden. Subtract the Detroit Black vote, and Michigan goes clearly for Trump. Those same Blacks, incidentally, helped put Gretchen Whitmer into office in 2018. Since then, she has proven herself a shill for the American Judeocracy. Her first and only foreign “business development” trip was to Israel, and she consistently defends the Jewish-Democratic line on every issue. If Michigan is to regain its political independence, Whitmer needs to be immediately and forcibly removed, along with her incompetent and unqualified Black lieutenant governor Garlin Gilchrist, her Jewish-lesbian AG Dana Nessel, and her SPLC-loving, White-hating secretary of state Jocelyn Benson.
A Detroit-less and Whitmer-less Michigan is a near-ideal secession state. They are a border state. They have plenty of arable land and limitless water. And by ditching black Wayne County, the state is around 92% White. With over 9 million industrious and well-educated Whites, Michigan could be a stunning success as an independent nation.
We know that secession is a real solution—the only real solution—by the way that our media discuss the topic. The demonizing of the largely peaceful and impotent protestors as “insurrectionists” shows that the slightest whiff of revolt sends our media into a tizzy. And for good reason. They all know that their power, their wealth, and their prestige rest on a large and semi-coherent mass of people, 330 million strong, that more or less serve their interests. If that mass shrinks, they lose—no ifs, ands, or buts.
And by ‘media,’ I mean all media. Consider what our beloved Tucker Carlson had to say, speaking at the beginning of his show on the very first day after the protest:
Political violence begets political violence. That is an iron law that never changes. We have to be against that, no matter who commits the violence or under what pretext, no matter how many self-interested demagogues assure us the violence is justified or necessary. We have a duty to oppose all of this, not simply because political violence kills other people’s children, but because in the end it doesn’t work.
No good person will live a happier life because [Ashli Babbitt] was killed in a hallway of the Capitol today. So our only option, as a practical matter, is to fix what is causing this in the first place. You may have nothing in common with the people on the other side of the country—increasingly, you probably don’t—but you’re stuck with them. The idea that groups of Americans will somehow break off into separate peaceful nations of like-minded citizens is a fantasy. That will not happen. There is no such thing as ‘peaceful separation’; there never has been, and there won’t be.
The two hemispheres of this country are inseparably intertwined, like conjoined twins. Neither can leave without killing the other. As horrifying as this moment is, we have no option but to make it better, to gut it out.
What a buffoon. What a dupe. We can only hope that they held a gun to his head to make him spout such nonsense. Carlson cleverly dismisses the whole concept of secession without even allowing the dreaded word to cross his lips. In terms of substance, he is flat-out wrong: There have been several peaceful secessions around the world in recent decades. Violent secession has indeed succeeded many times in history—not the least, in 1776. And his stupid analogy of “conjoined twins” fails miserably; twins are successfully separated all the time. Yes, it takes risk and “violence” in the form of the surgeon’s knife, but such is life. The same is true politically. Even if it came to the dreaded “violence,” so be it. Nothing great in this world has been won without effort and sacrifice.
Prospects for the Future
Without large-scale secession, things look bleak indeed. Anti-White, pro-Jewish policies will be enacted at a rapid rate. Biden’s Jewish team continues to expand; his previous appointments—Tony Blinken, Avril Haines, Ron Klain, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Janet Yellen—were supplemented by another key pick: the Jew Merrick Garland, who was quietly designated US attorney general amidst the January 6 uproar. We can anticipate what is to come: Gun rights, pro-life laws, and freedom of speech and press will all come under withering attack. Ultra-liberal immigration and citizenship laws will significantly darken the American complexion. Overseas, the war against Israel’s enemies will resume unchallenged. Anyone dissenting from the pro-Jewish line will be branded as a domestic terrorist.
It is important to realize that secession anywhere is a gain everywhere. If, say, Texas alone decided to secede and take its 30 million people with it, that would yield a huge decline in power for the remaining Judeocracy. They would have less clout, less income, less territory, and less authority. A successful Texas Republic could also make a great role model, leading others to opt out. Then the whole corrupt system would begin to unravel.
Patriots! White nationalists! Labor unionists! College students! Fundamentalist Christians! Now is the time to set aside your differences and work toward the only thing that matters—independence. If you don’t have political sovereignty, you have nothing. Otherwise, everything will get worse for you. Workers can expect the capitalist globalist Jews to accelerate the process of shipping their jobs overseas. Christians can expect their Christian values to be crushed by an ever-expanding Jewish secular materialism. Anti-war advocates can expect increasing conflicts in the Middle East and around the world. Unless you happen, by sheer luck, to align with liberal-Jewish objectives, your cause is lost. Focus now on what matters. With an independent nation-state, you at least have a chance to realize your values and your dreams. As things stand now, you will surely suffer defeat.
Forget about Washington. Forget about Trump. Forget about ‘America.’ These are diversionary conflicts that you are bound to lose. Focus instead on the local, the tangible, and the achievable: a local or state-level independence movement.
America was born in secession. It’s in our blood. It’s in our DNA. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Franklin—all secessionists in their heart of hearts. Were they alive today, they would be leading the charge to separate from the corrupt and irredeemable Judeocracy in Washington. Any true ‘American patriot’ today should honor their legacy, and do the same.
People of the United States! It is time to become the people of the divided states. Do something real. Do something that matters. Secede. Now.
Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books and articles on politics, history, and religion, with a special focus on National Socialism in Germany. His works include a new translation series of Mein Kampf, and the books Eternal Strangers (2020), The Jewish Hand in the World Wars (2019), and Debating the Holocaust (4th ed, 2020). For all his works, see his personal website www.thomasdaltonphd.com.
Source: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/01/12/lessons-from-the-trumpistan-coup/
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